If you can design a new, commercially-viable way of foiling bicycle thieves you could walk away with £50,000 in cash.
Cyclists often ask when bike insurance can cost as much as car cover, but they are far more likely to be victims of theft than motorists. It’s estimated that over 500,000 bikes are stolen each year in Britain – that’s the equivalent of one a minute. And with a recovery rate of less than 5 per cent and apathy from the police where all forms of bike crime are concerned, it’s left to cyclists themselves to protect themselves.

Improve cycle security and £50,000 could be yours…
For most, a good insurance policy is a good way to protect out bicycle, but what about preventing the bike from being taken in the first place?
The Hands Off My Bike Challenge Prize is calling on people from all over Britain to come up with breakthrough innovations to make it more difficult to steal bikes thereby having the potential to increase the number of people cycling. It has been estimated that of the 17 per cent of cyclists who have a bike stolen, 24 per cent stop cycling altogether.
The winning innovation will be the one that requires the longest time to steal the bike. The innovation will also be judged on its environmental impact, cost and potential for commercialisation. The winner will receive a prize of £50,000.
The competition closes on 18th January 2013.
Cycle insurance from 40p per week
Cycle insurance from the ETA offers protection for both you and your bike. It includes new-for-old, third party insurance on any bike you ride , personal accident cover, race event cover and if you suffer a mechanical breakdown, we will come out and recover you and your bike. Get an instant quote.
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