Hiplok is the creation of two British industrial designers and keen cyclists frustrated at having to carry their bike locks in a cumbersome bag or unsightly frame-mounted bracket.

The HipLok V1 is designed to be worn like a belt. It features a robust 10mm hardened shackle and a steel lock body with brass mechanism that is fashioned to work like a belt buckle.
John Abrahams and Ben Smith took inspiration from bicycle couriers, who have long worn chains and cable locks around their waists or slung across their shoulders. The result of their research and development is a range eye catching, sturdy, but above all, easy-to-carry locks.

The HipLok D is a compact D Lock designed with an in-built clip that allows it to be worn on any belt or bag strap.
We’ve been testing the Hiplok range and it’s clearly been created with a passion for both design and cycling. Carrying a cycle lock is a necessary evil, but using a HipLok makes the experience as stress-free and stylish as possible. The range is rated silver by Sold Secure.
Hiplok discount
To enjoy a generous discount of 15% off go to hiplok.com and use the code ETA15.
Win a Hiplok D All Black
We have a Hiplok D worth £59.99 to give away. Simply leave a comment at the bottom of this page and we’ll pick a name at the end of the month.
Matt Roff
Finally, a simple product for a quick trip to the shops. Great idea and great looking product.
indigo Redfern
Simple and convenient, looks great!
If I win this lock I hope it will get people talking when they see me wearing it.
This looks like a really good idea – I’d love to win one.
Oliver Squires
Very good idea.
Anything that lets me carry a decent lock when I’m out has to be a good idea, the frame holders never seem to work well.
Mal Yates
A hip product for hip cyclists!
Well done a simple but effective solution to an age old issue for cyclists.
Tracey C
An excellent idea. No more heavy backpack!
Lisa Hatfield
I have a Hiplok and it’s good, you don’t really notice the weight around your waist though it can feel bulky. It’s a Silver rated lock so is only good for bikes up to a certain value (check your insurance policy with ETA for the rating recommended). Obviously 2 locks are better.
Great idea!
Very neat, love to have one.
Yes please!
Dave Hose
Great idea – functional and stylish
fantastic idea and like the look of the v1 as much more discreate
Great idea and much needed
Great piece of design, well done
Susan Whitham
All locks very welcome. This one looks very useful to people who just ride, and who don’t carry either panniers or a basket. I am a town and country cyclist with all the bags and things, as I actually use the bike to do heaps of family shopping and carry my stuff to work. Instead of a car, y’see? So this device might well ride in the basket! Also I can’t always park up next to a stanchion, so the loop might not be ideal.
looks like a good idea. Wonder how much the extra weight of having it around your waist will be noticeable though. Certainly useful if just nipping out on the bike for a short run.
Paul Gordon
Smart idea to solve a practical problem for lots of cycle journeys.
Sounds very practical!
Nice looking idea, and great that it’s a British one!
Great idea. It makes cycling to shop at small local shops more viable as I wouldn’t need to keep faffing opening and closing my pannier to put the lock in or take it out. The minutes saved on each stop would soon add up
Paul O’ Brien
Looks great, perfect for city cycling. I wouldn’t attach that to the waistband of my Lycra tights, nobody wants to see that!
Darren C
I’d love to try one.
Great idea
Katrina Burke
Such a great idea, love this!
Jo G
Looks like an awesome product, and if it saves me having to carry a backpack everywhere, I’m all for it! In fact, I want one!
Richard Newman
I don’t see what the problem with a frame mounted bracket is – it lets the frame take the strain. In my case I have quite a chunky gold rated lock which, although it took some time to find the right way to mount it due to having a small frame, is better than having to carry it. I can see the benefit of a wearable lock maybe if you use multiple bikes and don’t want to have a separate lock for each of them or as a secondary lock to back up the main bike mounted lock.
Bill Andrews
I’d like one of these easy to operate locks
Jenny forrest
Hiplock- I would wear it for those nights out when I normally need a rucksack… Otherwise I wear cycle trousers so a bit unnecessary with a belt.
Keith B
Great idea, why didn’t someone think of it before now.
Ed Dymock
Good British design solution. Deserves to sell well.
V1 looks good – nice and discreet. I’m not sure about the D, looks a little cumbersome but I’ll have to try it to find out. Maybe I’ll get the opportunity? Looks like I’ll need to start wearing a belt with my cycling shorts in order to use it?
Anna Green
Great idea. I may get one to replace by current lock and ‘unsightly lock bracket’!
Look funky! Great range of colours too.
Steve Morgan
Love it!
Leticia Golubov
What kind of injury will it cause if you come off the bike and land on your back or side? Has that been tested?
Paul Chambers
My current lock is so heavy, would love to be able to put this around my waist and cycle around London!
will B
Cool, and in summer you can just hook it round your bag if its too hot to have it on your waist 😀
Huw Bramhall
Excellent idea, I think the V1 round the waist is particularly good.
Anita Violet
Looks like a great idea
Neil Woolford
That’s neat!
Clif Abbott
The cyclists answer to Clunk Click Every Trip
Lisa Baskerville
Would love to win this at that price I don’t think I will be buying one 🙂
Mark Baldwin
A brilliant idea. One lock suits all, no need for a lock on each bike you own.
Has anyone had an accident and landed hip on lock on tarmac? ouch?
chris palomba
bike bling!
Claire B
The answer to all my problems! A dream come true… 🙂
Won’t the weight of it pull you pants down?!
Nancy Townsend
My husband would greatly appreciate this!
Ian Homer
The flatter top section will mkae it more wearable then say the present mini D with a similar clip. I usually carry that in a bag if I’m shopping though.
Slowly but surely locks are catching up with bikes in the looks department.
Nick Saward
Would be great timing to win one of these, seeing as last week my combination lock fouled up and I had to get the guy from local bike shop to cut it off! Luckily he knows me (and my bike) so wasn’t suspicious, but oh the shame!
Give it to me.
George Knight
Looks good, practical and stylish.
Al Napp
I trust, as this is being touted by an insurance company, that this meets the required standard for an insurance claim?
Karl Wells
Looks fantastic.
daniel kempe
very hipster !
Looks a convenient way to quickly lock up my bike without needing to delve into my bag! Or even carry a bag…
Mr Stuart Rattray
Great Idea – like the ‘D’
John Forbes
Simple idea….just takes time for someone to think about it.
Charlotte Young
Brings a new meaning to ‘hispter’!
Good idea – very simple.
A good system that does away with carrying the lock in a saddle bag or in a not very strong holder attached to the frame. Big Question is the lock Sold Secure? This is what insurers require as a standard when insuring your bike.
I’ve got one of the chain ones and it’s ace. Really don’t notice it when you’re cycling. Would love to try the d lock version though
Will Embliss
Should be called the HIP BREAKER! Any slip or fall to the side could result in a break rather than a bruise. BAD IDEA
What a great idea. I love the pink belt one in the picture!
Great idea. D lock in particular is very good design.
If I had hips like the model I’d be wearing this, and as someone who’s never grown up I can feel like one of the Magnificent 7 again
Excellent designs! Locks need to be readily available and easy to use and they so often aren’t!
What with my mobile phone and Leatherman tool on my belt – this lock would further my look as a gunslinger on the set of a Sergio Leone film. Good idea though.
Susan Tuke
What a great piece of kit!
Steve Woolmore
Good idea!
ian white
Not a good idea, if you come off your bike crashing onto the ground those locks will dig into you and the HipLok D could cause some serious injuries, Just think of it going into the soft side of your torso.
I would not advocate such a thing. put the lock on your bike frame
Sarah Gilly
Compact and stylish, and more importantly, quick and on hand to lock up your bike… great idea 🙂
Fantastic idea! Looking forward to getting my hands on one!
Julia Wilde
The simple ideas are always the best.
Clever! Nice to have when you don’t want to take a bag with you!
Gareth Wells
Fantastic – a robust lock that actually possesses aesthetics! Great idea.
Cool, nice idea.
These things are very nice indeed 🙂
like it!
Anthony Roy
Having a waist mounted lock would save on all of the rattles I get with the frame mounted lock, and be more convenient to access as well.
Eleanor Smith
Would love to win an extra lock!
Neil Scott
Nice to see cool British designs…..would give me peace of mind when locking my bike up on my daily commute 🙂
Mike B
I like that the D Lock sits flush against the rider’s side. I don’t have room on my frame for carrying a lock, and it’s a vague nuisance having to wear a rucksack just to carry my lock, so this would be ideal for knocking around the city with. Also, it only weighs 1Kg according to their website.
Mike B
I like that the D Lock fits flush against the rider’s side. I don’t have room on my frame for carrying a lock, and it’s a vague nuisance having to wear a rucksack just for carrying one. Also, it only weighs 1Kg according to their site.
Inspired idea, carrying heavy locks around is such a drag, but essential when you’ve had several bikes nicked!
Christina Crosby
All round seems like a good idea. Are these Hiploks compliant with ETA’s requirement to have a very specific type of cycle lock fitted to your bike in order for any cycle insurance policies to be valid in the event of a claim for theft? Thanks, Christina
great idea but I wonder what it’ll do to the rider’s hip in the event of an accident!
Keith Hawthorn
Finally, something practical for cycling! Why did this take so long?! I will definitely be getting one,or two maybe!
John Edwards
They say nothing’s so powerful as an idea for which the time has come !
James Donovan
Hi, this is a fantastic idea.; i would love to win one
Luke O’Donoughue
Awesome concept
I love it
Can’t wait to try it.
cool & smooth
Hilary Tunnicliffe
At last! Joined up thinking for cyclists – fabby idea…
so cool
Lori Poore
Locks are always a problem when you ride without your saddle bag or pannier to put them in and end up having to take a rucksack to carry it. These solve this problem. Great idea.
Georgina Griffiths
What a great idea, simple and stylish! A great example of British design!
Daniel McNamara
I saw one of these yesterday, looks slick, great stuff!
D lock looks uncomfortable to have on when riding – notice that the picture is person standing not on a bike; have to try it on i guess. No mention of cable for securing other items.
Lorne C
A good Concept – saw a fellow commuter with something similar today.
james sheppard
Simple, yet effective.
Looks great!
convenient way to carry it and easily accessible too.
Andy Hunter
Nifty. Going to need a chunk of metal at just the right height and angle.
Katharine Liu
A great idea and looks so easy to carry about. So good to see British designs doing well.
Bettina Becker
Cool… It surely will be the new trend…
Andrew Jackson
A version to lock two bikes would be a great development, (says my wife!).
Ian Jones
Sounds like a winner 🙂
Steve W
A great looking set of locks. Good for when on the folding bike.
Tom W
Interesting solution to carrying around a lock – especially when just nipping out. Would love to try one out…
David Dunnico
Nice bit of kit
Rick Gregory
What a good idea!
Douglas Milsom
Look like a great idea. I have been put off big shackle locks up till now, but this looks a bit more compact, and hopefully lighter, and much more secure than my current “wire” lock system.
Neil Fife Fiford
What a Bloody Good Idea!
Joe Norman
Looks practical, especially as a second lock or when just nipping into a shop.
Tracy Nixon
I would love one of these for peace of mind thank you!
Inga Andersen
A great idea, looks good and effective too 🙂
David Walker
Good prize
Darren Abbott
Great idea
So is it one size fits all? Or does Skinny have it falling round their knees and Fatty is cut in half?
Good idea though.
Jane Poxon
Thank heavens someone as thought of it x
Neil Wardrobe
What a fantastic idea and as someone has already pointed out, the simple ideas are usually the best!!
Cracking idea 🙂
M Gibbs
Snazzy, could do with a small D for a quick lockup around town. Hat in ring.
Lorraine Johnson
This looks fab, strong & safe but so easy to keep with you!
Ian Smith
This looks great! I’ve always thought carrying a cycle lock was problematic! Think I may well buy one of these!
Ashley Ward
Looks good. Would love one!!
Greg Lilley
I am forever hanging my D-Lock off of my handlebars or my frame, and it constantly bangs in my arm or leg! Thanks Hiplock for coming up with an easy solution for a common problem
Mark Doherty
Looks a very handy product.
Maine Blue
I could really do with this – my current bike lock fell apart a few days ago. Yes, just came apart and is now as much use as politician.
I am commenting in order to be entered into the competition to win.
Paul Carter
Great idea! I can never seem to get D Locks to fit onto my bikes and always end up carrying them
Wow- top votes, smart and secure
Teresa Lee
Great idea
Liz Briggs
Very handy prize – yes please 🙂
Pete Gateley
Safe secure and smart.
Sally Lea
Great idea, a big improvement on the standard lock for mobility.
Rena Plumridge
Looks great would love to win one
Tom Baker
Might save me having to buy a new belt every few months from contant wedging in of D locks wearing them out
Ooh would love to try one. D-lock in a bag is far from ideal!
John Dean
Just the job and looks great would love to win it for my new bike!
Carol Weaver
Would love one of these as just spent ages phaffing with my locks which took longer than my entire shopping time!
David Hewett
That’s a BELTer of an idea.
Thomas Mc Elhinney
Certainly not a “waist” of money
Lorna Blackmore
Looks amazing. Im always having a nightmare with my lock that mounts onto the frame of my bike. Its a daily struggle.
Mark Shaw
And then there was light, easy to use and carry secure solution for my bike
Susie M
These are such a good idea. Following a theft our bikes are secured with really heavy duty locks but they’re just not practical to take out with you so we take lighter ones which aren’t ideal.
Andrew Harmsworth
May hold my trousers up, too!
Kelly Koya
Love the look of the v1
Al Reed
I have a V1, you can’t feel the weight when wearing, a great idea and a good midrange lock.
Finally… the future of the cycling human race is locked and safe.
Adam Easdown
Great design
Emma Baker
Looks an excellent bit of kit.
Jim Moore
Great invention
great idea – so useful 😀
Anne Bostwick
Safe and secure with Hiplok D All Black,
My bike is still there when I turn my back!
Laura Asplin
oh, I have just got into my cycling, these are a great idea!
sam Stevens
definitely what I need. A good prize.
Nigel Hollingsworth
Looks like a fabulous gadget ! 🙂
Nigel Shoosmith
Looks like an excellent solution for use with a folding bike on those occasions when you can’t take it inside.
Mike Wilson
cool name. would love to try one out on my old banger bike…..:-)
Sweet idea. Look pretty too.
my lock just broke so could use this 😉
What a good idea!
Annabel Edwards
Brillant idea even for a O.A.P.
Fed up with faffing around with locks. This looks great.
Brilliant Idea 🙂
Great design.
Graham Cox
Brilliant Idea,could really make use of one of these.
julie kenny
Thanks for the chance to win xx Looks fab xx
glenn hutton
Great bit of kit…
Peter Clark
Ideal for short journeys when not in the cycling kit
Emma Griffiths (age 9)
great locks with cool colour options (LOVE the pink !)
Mr John Reed
I wish this hiplock was invented when I was a child. 🙂
frances hutton
Would love to win.
Jamie J
Beats wrapping the chain around the seat post any day.
Lyn Gillespie
clever idea!
Sheila Robson
What a fantastic idea that is useful, practical and stylish all in one. Well done.
Jill Webb
What a great idea
V. V. Cool !!
Rebecca Prowse
Stylish and practical! Brilliant 🙂
Marina Wilson
Well done ! At last a lock that doesn’t weigh a ton!! About time!
David Paterson
Liz B
What happens when I fall off my bike – will the lock hurt me ?!
I’m the world’s clumsiest person, very poor balance and trying to get used to using cleats !!!
Rebecca Owen
What a great idea! If I had one of these I wouldn’t have to choose between my bike lock or my bottle of water as both fit onto the frame of my bike and get in the way of each other.
Jon Hollis
What a great idea, what with water bottles etc, I’ve not got space for a lock on my frame, and don’t always want to take a rucsack out with me.
Edward Guerreiro
Thanks for the competition.
Kat Lucas
What a fab giveaway!
Hiplok looks like a very handy (or should i say ‘hip’) tool for cyclists.
great product, safety can be fashionable too!
alex cook
what a good idea!
Very practical…………..and very hip!
colin findlay
Simple, effective just what I need.
Joanne Mapp
What a great idea. there is nothing worse than having to dig around in a bag looking for my lock
Al Sealy
A chastity belt for cyclists?
Simple and effective. Great product.
Aileen S
I’m looking for a good solution to the age old problem of carrying my bike lock. I would love to give this a try!
Sounds like a good idea and very practical. I would like to try one to see how secure it is.
Andrew Read
Extremely practical and stylish.
Paul Dunbar
Looks pretty good. I ride alone a lot and am always a bit edgy leaving the bike outside a cafe when I nip in for a coffee/scone/5 course snack …. this looks neat and quick enough to use and convenient enough to carry. Very tempting product.
M. Graham
A neat solution to the difficulties of having to carry something clumsy & heavy. Looks rather trendy too!
The simplest ideas are usually the best. I always have to take a bag with me!
Mick Thain
Brilliant simple idea
Keen to try out, what about the insurance rating band?
Janine Walker
So simple a solution! Everyone should have one of these before too long!
David Curran
The attraction of a wearable lock increases with the number of bikes in your stable.
It’s a little Easter miracle 🙂
sam swain
I could really do with one of these
Geoff K
Simple but effective, I hope it’s not too bulky, would like to give it a try.
Mickie Bull
Really nice product!
Looks smart, neat, compact and easy to carry.
Tim Smith
Like all the best ideas so simple, why hasn’t anyone thought of it before – why didn’t I?
fun & practical!
Ellie M
Great idea – hate having to carry a bag just for the lock.
Hazel Wright
Thanks for the competition, they look really good!
Laura plus 3
Baby on front, toddler on back seat and lock round my waist! Makes trip on bike much easier. (Perhaps good for loosing an inch around the hip too??) Great accessory for easy cycling. Basket not needed to be used for housing lock. More room for picnic blanket and ball!
Mathew Hawkins
Awesome, about time a comfortable lock was released
Great idea.
Looks good. Want.
Tom White
Good looking lock. Be nice to own one!
Tammy Tudor
amazing 🙂 would love to win
David Hunt
Great product; great prize. Will there a be gold standard lock in the future?
Kevin Morris
Interesting article,I like eta emails because of info like this . Hope I get lucky and win one but may buy one if if I don’t.keep up the good work.
Simon Moulding
Great idea……
Neat idea – nobody wants to screw a clunky bracket onto their beautiful ‘work of art’ frame! Do they do one in Bianchi Celeste?
James Russell
Interesting idea. Frame-mounted lock is good, but with a couple of bottle cages and a frame-mounted bag, I’m running out of available space.
G Grant
A handy lock, would get the old lumpy weight out of my bag.
Andrea Keegan
A simple idea that solves an irritating problem – my 11 year old son is now nagging me to buy one for when he goes to the local comprehensive!
Ruth Whitworth
Great concept and design, and manufactured by a British company.
Sue Talbot
As near to the no-lock-needed, hassle-free cycling days of my youth as I can imagine….
Graham Clark
Great idea 🙂
Gee M
Very cool, I might even wear it when not cycling!
Harry K
Very interesting concept..
Judy Aplin
A great idea that should sell well – then perhaps, we won`t have all the cycle stands fringed with locks from the regular users!
Alex H
Always thought these locks were fantastic!
Keshia Esgate
Fab! Could really do with one!
Mike Haworth
Seems like a pretty good idea
Beats uncomfortably shoving down my back into my pants!
Tom Morrison
Useful and attractive alternative solution
pauline hill
Locks like a good idea to me
Samantha Lea
what a simple idea, perfect for short commutes to the shops
Sarah Parker
great competition 🙂
Good idea
Martin Brown
Been wearing a lock round my waist for years obviously too dull to market it.
Paul Rock
Looks great.
Ellie Bromilow
I think they are a great idea, i have my lock on my bike but it clunks a bit and i always worry about what damage its doing to the paintwork when i go over the bumpy road!
Helen Grayson
Great idea! Looks amazing too!
Ed Tibenham
Useful if you only occasionally lock your bike up and don’t want the clutter of a mounting bracket permanently on the frame, or if you want to share the lock within your household or use it with more than one bike. For anything more than shorter journeys though I’d prefer to clip the lock onto the bike.
Paul Witney
Great idea, would love to win
Karen Barrett
Great prize, would be brilliant for my son. Thanks
Ben Young
Ace, I love versatility.
This is brilliant, would love to win one
Dominic Betts
Looks great – would love to win one!
Glynis Brewer
This looks brilliant!
Great idea. I love my bike, please don’t steal it!
przemek porebski
really good idea, reminds me of premium rush
cool idea
Isabelle Smith
OO me me me xx
What are hips for, after all? Us women are quite used to carrying things on them.
Kerry Riley
Looks very neat and easy to carry
A colleague has a Hiplock D and claims it to be the best lock he’s ever owned. If I win one we can be Hiplock-buddies!
Paul Bell
Seem great!
Ricardo Torres
hi!! I would love to win this one, please!!! My bicycle was already token once, and now i need one hiplok!!
Trudi Walsh
joanne torrance
FAB Would love to win
Jocelyn Spence
A friend of mine has one and raves about it!
Anthony Johnson
Why did no one think if this before?
Helen Allan
Brilliant idea. Thank you!
Debbie M
I remember when my brother used to ride with his D-Lock around his neck! 😀
great idea
yes please!
I likes!
looks fab!!
I K Stainer
What a really good and useful product. Will spread the word amongst my Exe Estuary cycling buddies!
Stuart Dunlop
Great idea. Would love to win one.
Mark Whittaker
Looks a great system , some bike accessories actually get in the way of riding . This looks perfect.
Clair Dukes
This is the perfect solution, I love it!
Kristy Brown
Fantastic, this would stop ppl borrowing my hubbies bike when he’s at work!
Richard Turner
Looks a great idea
this looks very useful
Clint Howat
leanne phillips
sherri fordham
fantastic idea! This would be ideal for me
Danika Lloyd
very nifty!
christy beckett
Looks fantastic thanks great idea x
angela jones
what a brilliant product
Susan Carruthers
Looks great!
Jane Middleton
just what I need
Claire Butler
fantastic, just what i need
Jill Cordner
Wonderful, so need this x
Lorna MacFadyen
Brill! Just what I need xx
Annamarie Riddiford
what a great idea, I can look trendy and be safe
jodie harvey
brilliant idea!
Patricia Avery
What a great idea. Such a simple but effective design 🙂
That is quite a good idea, would love to try it.
ann hamilton
thats brill keeping our bikes safe need 2
Mark fairhurst
just about to join a cycle to work scheme at work therefore the timing for this comp couldnt be better, great prize!
Christine Constable
What a great idea – that’s just what I need
An ideal way to carry a bike lock & simply a genius invention 🙂
Everyone needs one! 🙂
champaklal lad
great idea
Finally a reason to wear belts!
A good idea, but how difficult are they for bike thieves to open? Is there security as good as there practicality?
Yannick Read
Most of the range is silver-rated Sold Secure and there are gold-rated versions on the way I understand