Self-driving mobility scooter

With almost a quarter of the Japanese population over 65, engineers at Hitachi have focussed on the needs of the elderly by developing an autonomous mobility scooter that drives itself.

The Robot for Personal Intelligent Transport System (ROBITS) operates on pavements, just like a conventional mobility scooter, but uses a range of sensors and a GPS guidance system to avoid obstructions as it makes its way to its destination.

Mobility scooter breakdown cover

Get great value breakdown recovery for your mobility scooter from a company with 25 years’ breakdown expertise. At just £36 per year, our breakdown cover brings peace of mind at an affordable price.

If you break down, or your battery runs flat while you are out and about, we will send a qualified mechanic to come to your aid. Our rescue teams are on call 365 days a year, so no matter where you break down in Britain, you can rest assured that help is at hand. We’ll arrange to get you and your mobility scooter home, or to a specialist repair shop the same day.

Getting you home safely is our priority. If you’re unable to travel in our recovery vehicle, we’ll arrange and cover the costs of a taxi to get you home. Get an instant quote

Mobility scooter caravan

We at the ETA developed a caravan small enough to be towed behind a mobility scooter; the QTvan is so narrow it can be used safely on pavements and can even squeeze between the tills at a supermarket. The diminutive trailer was built to highlight the estimated 100,000 people in Britain who use these tiny electric vehicles without mobility scooter breakdown cover and face the prospect of a very long wait should they suffer a mechanical fault or their battery runs flat.


  1. Robert Stoker


    Hi I am blind and so, therefore, must use the computer with specialised audible software. my mobility isn’t what it should be either, can you tell me who I would need to contact ref test / reviewing one of these autonomous mobility scooters

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