The Aura Belt is the perfect way to mark the end of British Summer Time this weekend (25 October).
The Aura is a nylon webbing belt with a flexible LED and fibre optic lighting system embedded within. It can be set to emit a constant glow, slow pulse or a strobing flash.
ETA customers enjoy a 35% discount on Aura Belts. Enter the discount code ETA01 to save £8 on the recommended retail price. The Aura Belt can be ordered from from auracyclesystems.co.uk Don’t forget to enter our prize draw to win one.
- Tough construction
- Light and easy to wear / remove
- Constant glow, slow pulsing or strobe flash
- Over 70 hours’ light protection
- One touch lighting
- Weather-proof
- Concealed battery system (takes 2 replaceable CR2032 batteries)
- Adjustable women’s size 4 to men’s size 42
Win the Aura belt
We have three Aura light belts to give away. To be in with a chance of winning one, simply leave a comment at the bottom of this page. We will pick three winners next week.
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Tobias Fischer
Looks like a great thing to have in the upcoming months. I guess one of the belts should go to the people up north in the Highlands, there it’s needed the most ;).
Such a great idea. You could get coats with them built in!
The galaxy is on Aura’s belt
Dual purpose, too, for those nights in da club.
Guess it could go on the dog as well!
Graham Chadwick
Always good to be seen
Looks great, awesome idea. 🙂
Bill Day
The Aura belt looks a useful addition to the range of ways to get yourself seen. However your picture seems to encourage the black arts beloved of many cyclists. All cycle clothing should have an element of brightness (white, red, fluorescent yellow) and of reflection, so you always stand out
Doug Milsom
Great idea for cycling, running or even walking (along unlit lanes).
Will Johnson
Great idea
This looks like a bright idea!
Get three of these together and you could dress up like a flux capacitor – then you’d be noticed
Mark brunet
Light in the night : essential on a bike
My local highway authority are consulting on switching streetlights off after midnight. The Aura belt would be essential if that happens especially during the winter.
Might be useful if I don’t wear a backpack.
Steve P
The belts are fully adjustable and can be wrapped around a bag for added visibility…
Richard Scrase
I don’t mind being flashy
Elizabeth Kirkham
Brilliant belt, safety is imperative.
sara Scott-Rivers
Brilliant idea. I want one!
Liz B
Being seen is everything at this time of year when the clocks change and drivers haven’t adjusted. Looks like a great idea.
W A Hughes
Excellent idea……….. pity about the soundtrack!
Ben Young
I want to be seen this winter!
Stuart Lamb
What a great idea!
Brilliant simple idea. A must have for these darker nights.
Rachel McCabe
Brilliant for cycling in the dark……gonna be really useful as the Scottish nights draw in.
I look forward to wearing a funky belt!
Marty Adams
Safety first, absolutely ingenious!
More lights the better as far as I’m concerned. Although most drivers can’t see you during the daytime, let alone the night!
Dick Willis
Anything that improves visibility is good!
Bryn Jones
We need two for the Greek islands where there are very few street lights, and drivers have a disconcerting habit of driving up close to you before they swerve last minute.
Please don’t bump into me!
Paul Kirkley
That’s a pretty flash idea!
Chris R
Austin Heath
Very clever, the perfect gift to anyone.
Austin Heath
A very clever idea ,the perfect gift to anyone.
What an amazing company: great prices; fantastic, efficient website and service, PLUS freebies … what more could you ask for. Flashing belt is perfect for dark winter dog walks in deepest darkest Dorset … Yes please 🙂
Oh for a flashing waist!
Ian Ramsey
This looks good, anything to assist with combatting SMIDSY (Sorry Mate I Didn’t See You) when cycling…
Alice Smith
Raving on the road = cycle safety
I just know this will grant me a great aura : )
John Clemens
Puts a whole new meaning to “belt up”
Joel Halligan
My pet hamster will only eat circular, midriff-wearable bicycle lights. Please don’t let my hamster starve.
It would be good to be ……….”Well lit by moonlight, proud Titania!” apologies to Shakespeare!
Damian C
One of these would be great for my dark commute!
Lois Williams
With the Aura Belt no braces are needed!
Jolly D
Love it!
Hugo Richardson
Looks great! Would be useful for early morning rides to uni
Brilliant idea, one light for whichever bike you are riding.
Shine like a Christmas tree this year. Happy aura Christmas,
Easier to check that it’s working than a rear light.
Richard Newman
Sarah astor
A light belt is a great advance.. I hope I win one
Cheryl Buxton-Sait
This will be perfect for the darker evenings
Matthew Goddard
What a great idea.
can wear it myself or loop it round my daughter when she rides with me.
Great Idea
Meryl Wilkinson
Looks like the perfect Christmas present for my husband! And also a great present for me- I’ll worry less when he’s cycling at night.
Vivien Sproule
I bought a couple of these, or something very like them, for Christmas presents last year and would love one for myself.
Anything that aids visibility is a bonus for the cyclist.
Lisa Taylor
Good idea! How about tyres that light up and flash too?!
I want one! 🙂
Easy to check that it’s working. A great bit of additional safety kit.
Richard Lyons
The more lights, the better.
Andrew Harmsworth
Doesn’t matter which way up it is, it could be Australis or Borealis!
Peter Clark
The all important side visibility!
Sharon evans
Yes please
Malcolm Farrimond
Great for everyone, but especially good for kids on bike coming home from school! Being seen AND looking cool!
Peter Chisnall
I need one of those for my wife so I can keep my eye on her at night! hehehehe
blinking brilliant
I never win these give aways. I can’t think of anything quirky or clever to say, so please give the groovy best to one of the deserving entrant’s above. Thank you.
Jennie Whitford
Bright Light Safe and Seen…please let it be me !
would love one of these for the winter club rides!
Steve K
Sounds like a bright idea
Matt Roff
They’ve certainly covered the ‘belts and braces’ with this one.
James Haigh
Good to be seen
Brilliant idea for the dark walk to and from work on the country lanes
Hilary Robinson
Be great for my son who cycles to work
Mark B
One of these would be great.
Matthew Pitts
This idea is a belter!
They look perfect for going out after dark on a cold winter evening
Simon Gaunt
With lots of lights and other great ideas for us cyclists to use, its a shame we still have idiots choosing not to use lights on there bikes. It gives the rest of us a bad name. Love the belt !
These look great for the commute home at this time of year!
David Collins
I suppose you can wear it on your bike Aura disco!
Something my kids would love to use.
I’ve seen the light
Great idea!
Very clever!
Terry R
They could no doubt be attached to rucksacks which often cover reflective jackets.
Alex G
Pick me, pick me, pick me!! Please!
I don’t know whether to buy an illuminous Jacket, or luminous bag, or try to fix my current light to my current bag in a better (and cheaper way), and this Aurora belt could be the answer where I don’t have to fork out for the other two, or wait ’til Christmas to hopefully get one!!
Looks great, the more lights the better – I recommend the cycling xmas tree look!
Neat idea. Will be easy to pack away into handbag when not in use.
Jane Smith
Always worried when son is biking, the Aura belt would mean less worrying.
Philip Campbell
Would love to try it on my daily commute – you can’t be too bright on a dark day.
Judy Aplin
Seems to be too many youngsters cycling without lights – perhaps they get stolen. The belt is a grand idea; eye catching & difficult to steal. Nice one for Christmas stockings.
Tim dukes
Would look good around a helmet as well as the waist.
Rick Gregory
Perfect timing to win one of these
Dan Harpham Gist
Great idea
steve morgan
Very cool. 360 light… Yes please!
Chris Johnson
Looks like an effective tool in the never-ending fight against SMIDSY, and without compromising comfort or convenience either. I’m impressed.
Jan Robertson
Would love to have!
The more lights the better. As both a cyclist and a driver I appreciate every effort to be as visible as possible. Great article, thanks for alerting us to the belt.
I will dress up in Christmas tree lights if it will stop drivers from trying to kill me. This looks much more practical …
It may light up my life?
Darren C
This should be a good seller, side illumination is something us cyclists are generally missing.
Sue Holmes
How flash is that!
Duncan Campbell
I love this novel way of illumination – a somewhat cool way to make us more visible 🙂
Dave B
Id love one, thanks!
Marianne Scott
Brilliant idea 🙂
David Easton
Excellent idea. Also don’t forget what a previous comment said – wear light clothing at night, or something with reflective trim. And don’t forget to make sure your lights are working (and switched on) and your reflectors are clean. What happened to the old TV ads “Wear something white at night!”?
Fiona Hunt
Super idea – very convenient to add to my visibility.
Roland C
Might be good for loading bay/marshalling/banksman use where there aren’t direct lights for retroflective strips.
Lyn Gillespie
These should be made compulsory like helmets
Cathy Carr
Yes please… I keep losing lights
Simon Randall
How simple yet effective!
Excellent for kids riding home from school on dark Winter evenings
Michael Kirkham
I hope I’m not too late. These look great!
Alastair Seagroatt
Looks a great idea to me, especially now the dark nights have arrived up north.
James Russell
[nostalgia] Clunk click every trip [\nostalgia]
yes please!
Rob King
Fab idea, the more you can do to be seen the better!
Something fast and simple to put on and be seen more easily on those country roads has got to be a good thing at last.
Stuart Wilkie
Every cyclist should have one.
Francis Voon
I want one!
Hope I’m not too late to win one of these – great idea!