As bike light patterns become ever more complex, designers are resorting to ever higher specs to help rider stand out from the crowd. The BLAZE Burner features a bank of 24 LEDs, each with 60 levels of brightness. In the visual cacophony of today’s cities, the Burner offers almost endless variations of flashing and pulsing.
If you like your kit top drawer, the Burner might be for you. Its features include a fully waterproof casing and magnetic charging – so no more USB ports clogged with mud. It’s got a light sensor that switches the Burner on automatically in low light and there’s pretty nifty magnetic mounting system, too.
The Blaze Burner will sell for around £50. Luckily for those on a budget, it’s possible to get a robust and extremely bright rear light for much less. Our favourite is the Cree LED, which retails for a very reasonable £7.99 from the Wilkinson website.
Blaze Burner – win your own
We have a Blaze Burner rear light to give away. Simply leave us a comment at the bottom of the page and we’ll pick a name next week.
BLAZE – the back story
Designer Emily Brooke made her name with the BLAZE laserlight – a handlebar-mounted projector that throws the image of a bicycle onto the road six metres ahead of the rider. The idea of using a powerful handlebar-mounted laser to keep inattentive motorists on their toes will appeal to many cyclists, but the design does not leave a trail of smoldering vehicles in its wake – rather the Blaze light projects the bright green image of a bike onto the road to catch the attention of motorists.
The laserlight was a concept that founder Emily designed and patented at University in Brighton. After doing a long ride for charity, Emily got the biking bug and spent the final year of her design course looking at the challenges facing city cyclists. The laser light concept was developed with help from her local council, a bus company, road safety experts and driving psychologists.
Environmentally friendly cycle insurance
On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another, but the devil is the detail. How much excess you will be charged is just one of the things that varies wildly between providers. Another is so called ‘new-for-old’ replacement – many insurers use this term, but if your bicycle is more than a few years old, devalue it severely. This means you are left out of pocket when you come to replace it.
ETA cycle insurance has a low standard excess of 5% (minimum £25) and offers a new-for-old for life – how ever old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model.
For 25 years we have been providing straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance. Whether you use your bike to commute, shop, race or amble in the park, ETA Cycle Insurance has you covered. We never devalues bikes no matter their age, allow you to buy your replacement bike wherever you like, replace stolen quick release components and we handle claims in-house. Can your insurance provider say the same?
We have been voted Britain’s most ethical insurer. Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.
I’d love a new rear light, especially after I foolishly left mine on the bike and it got nicked!
Anna Hayball
If this effectively lights up the pitch-black, light-lacking trailway I cycle with my children in winter, it certainly will be the best cycle light in town!
Rupert Crispin
In these dark and chilly late autumn days you can never have too many bike lights – I particularly like the magnetic attachment and extreme waterproof feature.
Su Gilroy
This would give a blaze of glory and safety!
Dave C
Sounds good. Anything to make me more visible. I’ve been nearly knocked off my bike too many times this winter already!
Sounds incredible and a great price. Wonder if it would match the power of the exposure blaze
Ross Thomas
In every one of us a Light burns
A Light that pushes us to be better than what we are
A Light that pushes us towards perfection
Sounds perfect for me. My daily commute includes busy roads, country lanes used as rat-runs and unlit cliff-top paths.
Carrie Thomas
Fab lights which be be a great boon in the hectic bustle of London
Love the sophistication of this light
Steve K
Looks really good for these dark evenings (and mornings too!)
Would love a Blaze – it looks wonderful.
Peter Clark
Bright idea!
Lance woodman
I would like a light of this quality
love the idea of the magnetic attachment!
John H
What a pretty bike light. So nice to see something functional and yet beautfiully designed.
Stuart Lamb
Nice. I’d really like some of these
Bright nights.
Nice bike lights!
What a great set of eyes for my red horse!
Paul Casey
Looks like a great concept.
Ian Harvey
Hot…Hot….Hot. ,I need one
Blazingly good light to burn on the back of your bike (or mine).
The light of my life
Paul Ackland
What a great way to get seen with a superb product
Craig Angell
Looks good. Anything that helps keep us all safe while out cycling this time of year is great in my book
Alan T Anderson
Mmm flashy.
Good time of year for these stories.
Myles Gatherer
Ooo, yes please! I need something to watch my 6!
Mike Croker
Looks a hot light 🙂
certainly makes a difference ,i do not like cycling in the dark always worried re not being seen clearly this would make a difference.
Visibility is the name of the game!
Christopher Hickmott-Arnold
High visibility is most important. With the options on the Blaze burner, I would believe one could not surpass it .
Bright lights like this would make me feel alot safer when cycling in those more remote and dark places, as well as on London’s roads!
Bettina Becker
Looks fab, and would be great to have for the dark winter evenings
I can be as cool as Modesty Blaise trailblazing with the Blaze Burner!
Blazing a trail on the dark winter roads
Brian B
Blaze away to my door, please….
Matt Roff
Most illuminating!
Andy G
I’d love one of these!
jonathan crew
This light looks really good
Stefan Danger
Looks all good
Alison Jackson
The light looks great, and the ETA cycle insurance is definitely worth having 🙂
Cath Elsworth
My heart is blazing for this 🙂
Looks good!
Hilary Robinson
I wish every cyclist had one of these!
Carl Penny
Very nice 🙂
Blaze – burning away a retina near you.
Put my name in the hat please!
Doug Milsom
If this is as good as the Blaze Laserlight front lamp, then it’s probably the best rear light there is.
Colin Gallagher
This lit up my evening
I would love to win a blaze! what an ingenious idea 🙂
Mark B
Blazin’ Saddles Batman!
Yul Emirali
This looks like it blazes the bedoobie off other bike lights
Peter Chisnall
Yes please!!!!!
Frank Lee
Nice light 🙂
Is Blaze Bailey still going?
Iain Stevenson
Lovely light, can’t wait to get back on my bike once it is out of storage!
David fleay
Great light
Looks a fantastic addition to any cycle lighting I would lobe one
Phil G
Looks like Emily has “Brooke the mold” again with this superbly designed rear light!
With so many motorists, and so many distractions, and we put our lives in the hands of these devices.
James Russell
A Bright idea! (Sorry!)
Rory Harkins
Completely waterproof sounds good given our recent weather.
Looks great, I’d love one.
MJ Yeong
Great for all my upcoming night rides! Please pick me!
James Beasley
A halo on a bike to save a life.
Well ‘blaze’ my soul Emily, that’s a bright idea – I’d definitely like a back burner for my bike!
Chris M
Blaze that Trail!!
Wow does this look the business
Peter Shirley
Going to work in a Blaze of glory
Darren C
A blinding prize yet again.
Xi Chen
Great to see Blaze is expanding their range 🙂
Ann Marie Wrigley
ETA blazing a trail again!
Joel Halligan
Blaze me happy
Luke Bennett
When I saw this light I thought, ‘wow, that looks bright up my street’. Finally, as well as being visible as heck, I’ll be able to count to 24 by letting those bulby little fiends burn their way into my retinas.
In all seriousness though I won’t look directly into the light. I’m not LED astray that easily.
Bryn Jones
I am strongly of the opinion that cyclists should be as visible as possible, night and day, and this is just the job.
ETA you(‘d) light up my life if you sent me one of these please 🙂
A true trail blazer!
David Hunt
Anything that can make cyclists more visible is great. If like one.
Richard Newman
A back burner.
Jane Collier
Think how we could light up the streets if all cyclists had these! Cycle light technology gets better and better, shame there are still many cyclists who don’t use any.
This will be fantastic as the nights draw in.
Alistair Bloomfield
Magnetic charging sounds really handy. I’d love one of these.
Chris Wrigley
Like the look of that.
James Haigh
What a bright idea, this would be perfect.
Kate marsden
Do you know this would “light up my life” literally.
An amazing idea! I would love some of these.
And then Cog said: “LED there be light”
Looks a very sophisticated light, a must for the risk (crash) averse cyclist!
Damian C
Very cool – would love one!
Tim Earl
Wow! WOOT!
Just what I need.
Will look like a Christmas tree! Excellent looking light.