The FLUX is a waterproof, 29-litre rucksack that also happens to be the largest bicycle rear light in the world.
Urban cyclists have taken to attaching lights to their bags, but the FLUX takes the idea to a new level. Light from a bank of LEDs is dispersed by a fibre optic panel measuring 30 cm by 10 cm. The USB-rechargeable light can be set to constant or flashing mode and is easily removed for when cleaning the bag.
With a courier-style fold top, 1000 denier nylon outer and vinyl tarpaulin interior, the FLUX promises to be absolutely waterproof.
The FLUX bag is currently available for £65 including postage via Indiegogo.
Win the largest bicycle rear light in the world
We have a FLUX bag to give away. Simply leave a comment at the bottom of this page and let us know what you’d keep dry in your FLUX rucksack.
I’ve seen the light – illuminated cycle clothing
Illuminated clothing and accessories is a growth area in cycle lighting. The Aura is a nylon webbing belt with a flexible LED and fibre optic lighting system embedded within. It can be set to emit a constant glow, slow pulse or a strobing flash.
Environmentally friendly cycle insurance
On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another, but the devil is the detail.
For 25 years we have been providing straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance. We have been voted Britain’s most ethical insurer this year. Whether you use your bike to commute, shop, race or amble in the park, ETA Cycle Insurance has you covered. We never devalue bikes no matter their age, we allow you to buy a replacement bike wherever you like, we replace stolen quick release components and we handle claims in-house. Can your insurance provider say the same?
Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.
Wallpaper swatches! I deliver samples by bike if my customers are nearby.
Eric Ludlow
My sense of humour 😉
I would definitely keep my sketchbooks safe and dry in the Flux bag. Nothing better than cycling around London looking for interesting people to draw 🙂
I would keep my pet ferret in the bag, he hates getting rained on in my basket.
I’d store my Gremlin in it, because one is hard enough to look after, let alone 100…
my goldfish
Sarah Lou
roasted peanuts 🙂
A spare change of clothes because you’re always just a few moments away from a shower when cycling in London!
L Woodman
Fantastic idea
Neil Woolford
The extra shopping that won’t fit in the panniers after a trip to Lidl.
I’d keep the change of clothes dry in this big rear light!
My laptop, paperwork, headphones, and camera. Because I have a regular kind of life that needs to be lit up by the Flux! Maybe once I have it I’ll become the kind of cool cyclist who pedals around carrying goldfish, designer wallpaper, and peanuts.
Dog. No more wet dog smell. Awesome.
My baby daughter – only kidding, however perhaps the dog….
I’d keep my shopping in the bag…And my life outside it.
Mary Fisher
Oh – this rear light would give me confidence to ride in the dark!
Steve A
Three rabbits
Robert Slade
I take a data projector to my local camera club!
All my paperwork.
A really bright idea. What would I carry in it? Everything I need.
F-f-f-flippin’ marvellous ! Lux wonderful !!!!
My clothes, lunch and book
Zbigniew Mroz
Some papers and emotional baggage
Steve Murray
What a great backpack, I want one!!!
Mike G
All my gear for an overnight stay when visiting my Dad in his granny farm
Sheet music as I cycle to rehearsal.
My school books to mark… 🙁
Joel Halligan
I would keep my lunch dry. Nowt worse that a wet lunch.
Nigel Searle
My dry suit of course!
It would be just the thing for those dark wet December days we have in W Scotland. Particularly for one of those cyclists who seem to try to make themselves invisible by riding a black bike, with black tyres, dressed in black and wearing a back helmet.
my clothes – nothing worse after getting soaked to not have dry clothes.
Stuart Lamb
I’d probably try and get into the bag myself and get someone else to cycle me around
James Beasley
I’d put my pants in the bag, nothing worse that sitting in wet pants.
ah this will help avoid mishaps i’ve had with the rain when taking home pupils’ books to mark : )
Doug Milsom
It would be perfect for carrying music to and from choir rehearsals.
Peter Chisnall
What a bright idea!
Peter Clark
Blackberry, ihone, keys, underwear to change into, wallet and assorted other detritus!
I would keep my cycling waterproofs nice and dry in this bag as I always seem to get caught out in passing showers whilt on my trusty treader. At least this amazing bag would save my embarrassment!
Mark B
I’d keep my waterproofs in there so they’re dry and ready when I need them.
terence riley
I think that this is an excellent idea and product, but I also think that there should be a choice of colour, perhaps yellow, which can be easily seen by other road users in the daytime.
Rory Harkins
My work clothes
barbara disney
sandwiches, tea, cake and other essentials
Ned Prideaux
I’ll keep my powder dry…
Mark D’Emmanuele
Looks good
Roger birchall
Survival gear!!,
it can be very bleak cycling across the derbyshire moors at this time of year ⛄
Pupils books for marking!
Brian B
laptop and papers, work finishes late.
Bettina Becker
all the essentials, such as my knitting, a good book, some lunch…
All the paraphernalia that comes with cycling around with a baby!
The books I generally pick-up from my local bookshop.
Dario Dug
I’d love to say “the food I deliver to food banks” but lying to win something is wrong. HOWEVER, if I do win this I promise to donate to a food bank weekly for a year! Photographic evidence will be submitted of course… 🙂
Perfect for my essentials of life….food and flask of coffee…
Spare socks – wearing wet ones all day….horrible
Ann Marie Wrigley
My library book – I never travel without ‘light’ reading and our libraries are not keen on soggy returns.
James Haigh
Great idea
Bryn Jones
The Flux bag is unique in the world, I’ve never heard of or seen anything like it. Quite brilliant!
Mike Croker
my flux capacitor…
David Fisher
Great for the mass a books and folders I take to University everyday!
Ian Harvey
The future is looking a lot brighter!!….
I’m a cycle training instructor, so what I’d keep dry is: money, keys, phone, a snack, forms for trainees to complete, risk assessment, cones, spare gloves, ankle straps, warm gloves, waterproofs, (though I’d be wearing them if it was raining).
Francis Voon
My sandwiches!
Hilary Robinson
Ideal for a packed lunch …
John aka TheCyclist
I would keep everything in the flux bag except my bicycle and myself. :- )
A great alternative way one can be seen. I would carry my bike tool kit, cloths, biccies, maps, waterproof trousers just in case and bird food for the ducks on the local pond.
I would keep my spares in the bag, even better that I will be more visible to other road users! Fab idea
My mojo!
My most treasured possession…….Marmite sandwiches! (Sorry Grace 🙂 )
sue whelan
is it big enough for a 16lb Turkey??
My huge supply of mince pies!
Amongst other things, spare charged batteries!
Darren C
My lunch and work clothes, ever tried eating soggy sandwiches while sat on a soggy bottom? not recommended!
andy lee
my clothes,food,spare tools, wallet, phone, kitchen sink…
Lisa M
Looks like the perfect solution for keeping freshly baked bread dry!
Markus Jaskari
The mini-me! 😉
My notes!
Simon Randall
I’d keep my bits and bobs for my commute to work in mine. And I’d not have to carry the fear of not being seen with such an awesome bag!
Jan Robertson
Fantastic, would definitely use this to carry my keyboard and laptop
Yul Emirali
As I travel around teaching the piano, all my piano books as well as some clothes for wet cycling days and tools to change a puncture.
Jonathan Hunt
I’d like to keep my work laptop dry along with my pants and socks. Nobody wants soggy under wear after the daily commute!
James Russell
I want to bag this one. (Sorry, getting worse)
miriam taylor
I keep all those Christmas presents I’m delivering nice and dry
Alex R
All the coffee I need to get me through a day at work……
Dick Willis
Great idea, I want one!
I’d keep my clothes in it, when I take part in the World Naked Bike Ride!
Justin bolger
I would keep my butties dry there is nowt worse than a soggy sandwich.
My laptop, work clothes, bike tools and bananas!
My work laptop, packed lunch, puzzle book and a spare pair of socks!