The Lopifit is a bicycle worthy of Monty Python – an adult-sized electric-powered scooter operated by a built-in treadmill. Walking on the treadmill operates the electric motor – the faster you walk, the faster the Lopifit travels. Using the brake shuts off the motor and a freewheel function comes into effect when travelling down hill.
It’s not immediately clear what advantage the Lopifit has over a conventional bicycle or what happens if you run out of battery charge.
Why does the bicycle attract a disproportionate amount of eccentric design? One reason could be that it already a perfect union of form and function. In 100 years it has barely needed to change at all. It is unlikely to be challenged by treadmills on wheels.
Another product worthy of the Innovations Catalogue, the glossy brochure of gadgets that used to fall from the pages of Sunday newspapers, is WALK-A-BIKE; a strap designed to make it easy to walk or jog long distances with a bicycle at your side.
It’s not altogether clear why one would want to walk a bike for exercise when it’s so physically and mentally rewarding to ride, but for $12.95 the Walk-a-Bike can be yours.
According to the maker’s website, it’s all about losing weight and good health: WALK-A-BIKE makes it easy to walk or jog long distances with the bicycle at his/her side.
Walk your max without the worry of not being able to make it back due to, foot pain, leg cramps, or just plain fatigue. When you reach your maximum walking/jogging distance, just bicycle back. Adding bicycling to your fitness walking program provides a more diverse exercising routine. It’s a great motivator for the person starting a fitness walking program. Walking is a low impact exercise for toning your stomach muscles. It is also excellent for the avid walker who wants to increase their fitness walking exercise to the max 5, 10, or more miles.
Environmentally friendly bicycle insurance
On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another, but the devil is the detail. How much excess you will be charged is just one of the things that varies wildly between providers. Another is so called ‘new-for-old’ replacement – many insurers use this term, but if your bicycle is more than a few years old, devalue it severely. This means you are left out of pocket when you come to replace it. Read our insider guide to cycle insurance.
Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy from us helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.
ETA cycle insurance has a low standard excess of 5% (minimum £25) and offers a new-for-old for life – however old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model.
For 25 years we have been providing straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance. Whether you use your bike to commute, shop, race or amble in the park, ETA Cycle Insurance has you covered. We never devalue bikes no matter their age, allow you to buy your replacement bike wherever you like, replace stolen quick release components and handle claims in-house.
The Good Shopping Guide voted us Britain’s most ethical insurance company 2015.
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