In the days before the mass production of cars, self-defence for cyclists centred around the threat from dogs and brigands – or at least it did if you believed the advertising of the time.
In the late nineteenth century, the manufacture of arms and bicycles shared similar metalworking techniques; both trades benefitted from improvements in engineering that allowed tube gauges to be reduced dramatically. In fact, some companies went as far as to manufacture and sell both bicycles and firearms. The result was lighter bicycle frames and a terrifying arsenal of miniature weapons for their riders to carry.
The 1892 Revolver-Cycle was a miniature pepper-box pistol which, according to its inventor, Monsieur Joubert, could be stored within a handlebar grip. It was one of a number of guns developed specifically for cyclists at that time.

Seems perverse now, but ads that combined bikes and bullets were once commonplace
Thankfully, pistol carrying of this kind did not become widespread, but it did not stop the companies that produced both bicycles and guns from advertising them side by side. A magazine article from Christmas 1912 asks: “Where’s the up-and-at-’em boy who doesn’t hanker for a first class rifle or a really good bicycle?”.
There is no evidence that cyclists of the time were anymore vulnerable to attack than those on foot, but advice on how to fend off attackers also extended to unarmed combat. According to an article in Pearson magazine from the early 1900s:
‘the cyclist who is a skillful rider, who possesses pluck and dash, who has mastered the elementary rules of defence on a bicycle, and who is armed with a knowledge of how to use a machine to the best advantage as a weapon, may rest content that he is able to defend himself perfectly when attacked under the majority of likely conditions.’
Bicycle muggings are not unknown in 21st century Britain, but victims are swiftly reimbursed if they hold a good cycle insurance policy and cases remain incredibly rare.
Some of the techniques described below, such as using the bicycle as a defensive shield, seem sensible enough, but cyclists looking for justice today spurn pistols in favour of a good insurance policy and sound legal advice when required.
Self-defence for cyclists (in 1901)
A lady, say, is riding alone on a country road, when an approaching tramp suddenly assumes a hostile attitude, standing before her with legs apart and arms out-stretched, effectively barring the way. Let the lady put on a spurt, and ride, point blank, at her assailant, then swerve at the last moment. Certainly this requires nerve, but it is really simple, and marvellously effective. The tramp cannot overcome the instinct of self-protection which makes him jump
to one side, when the cyclist, of course, at once swerves in the other direction.
Nearly every cyclist carries a weapon on his machine which, under many circumstances, he may use with great effect: a strong, long, heavy metal pump offers as convenient a weapon as one could desire. Let the rider who is threatened by a foot-pad flourish his pump in his assailant’s face, and he will be surprised how quickly and precipitously the assailant jumps back. A formidable blow could be delivered in a man’s face with a heavy pump, especially when riding at speed. If the pump is carried in spring clips attached to the top bar of the machine — or in the case of a lady’s machine to the handlebars — it is ready to hand in case of emergency, and may be detached in a moment.
You are riding along a country road, when suddenly, you are startled by a man who springs in front of you from the hedge, and attempts to grab your machine. Your best plan is this: Spring backwards off your machine, and by pulling at the handlebars, cause it to rear up on its back wheel. That your antagonist will jump back from sheer surprise at the moment when you make your machine rear up, goes without saying. Seizing this opportunity, you take a short sharp run forward, and hurl your machine at your assailant, letting it run on its back wheel, and so directing it as it leaves your hands that the front wheel will come heavily down on top of him.
The last three or four methods of defence that I have described are hardly suitable for use by lady cyclists, unless particularly strong-minded and strong-armed! A simple means of defence that may be highly recommended for the use of fair cyclists is the water squirt. This is an ingenious little weapon sold in cycling shops, made in the shape of a pistol, but with an India rubber handle which holds water, and which, when pressed, will squirt a shower of water for a distance of 20 ft. or so. The water squirt is guaranteed to stop an attack from the most vicious dog or man — and certainly the foot-pad who attempted to approach a lady cyclist, and was met with a douche of cold water, would receive a severe shock that would probably cause him to stand back long enough to allow his prey to escape.
Self-defence for cyclists in 2016: Cycle insurance with built-in legal protection
Whether it is the supposed threat of ferocious dogs or marauding bandits in the nineteenth century or the fear of road danger today, it seems the risks associated with cycling have always been overstated. Cycling is, and always has been, a remarkably safe activity. That’s not to say that it isn’t prudent in 2016 for you to ride defensively on busy urban roads or protect yourself from thieves. Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old replacement and accidental damage, £5m third party insurance, personal accident cover, and if you should be unfortunate enough to be knocked off your bike, our specialist legal team can fight your corner.
Peter Anderson
I’ve been looking for something to “tag” the 1 to 5 cars a week which come fairly close to killing me – sadly the advice you give about insurance is irrelevant when the victim is too dead to bear witness, and the fuzz never follow up unless you’re actually dead, and even then the murderer can get off with a SMIDSY defence. I guess a handlebar-mounted shotgun would be illegal?
It’s a serious matter that needs to addressed with a review of traffic law, rigorous policing and better facilities for cyclists. In the meantime, we built this https://www.eta.co.uk/2010/09/29/bond-bike-boasts-ejector-seat-and-flame-thrower/