Bike hooks and hoists have been around for ages, but most of these space-saving storage solutions are out of reach for those without the strength to lift a bicycle. The Parkis promises effortless vertical bike storage that can be used by almost everyone – including the young, old and pregnant.
The Parkis is aimed at squeezed-for-space city folk who have given up precious room to store their bicycle. The slim device would also look great in the reception area of a business that wanted to make a stylish and public statement of support for cycling. Whether used domestically or commercially, a Parkis promises to save 40% floor space.
An internal counterbalance quickly and smoothly lifts any bicycle with a wheel diameter of 24” and a weight on the front wheel of over 15 kg – most bikes weigh no more than this in their entirety so all but the heaviest electric bikes should be fine.
The Parkis can be pre-ordered for £205 via Kickstarter.
Environmentally friendly cycle insurance
On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another; the devil is in the detail. The excess charged is one of the things that varies wildly between providers. Another is so called ‘new-for-old’ replacement. Many insurers use this term, but if your bicycle is more than a few years old, they devalue it severely. This means you are left out of pocket when you come to replace it.
We cover the theft of bicycle parts (including quick release wheels and saddles) as standard and with a low standard excess of 5% (minimum £25). We offer new-for-old for life – however old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model. Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy from us helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.
For over 26 years we have been providing straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance. Whether you use your bike to commute, shop, race or amble in the park, ETA Bicycle Insurance has you covered. We never devalue bikes no matter their age, allow you to buy your replacement bike wherever you like, replace stolen quick release components and handle claims in-house.
The Good Shopping Guide rated us ethical in Britain.
Another clever bicycle hoist is the Stowaway, a design that scoops up your bike and stores it flat against the ceiling.
A nifty counterweight pulley system means you only ever lift half the weight of the bike and a braking system means your pride and joy won’t crash to the floor if you let go of the pulley straps.
According to the designer of the Stowaway bicycle hoist, Sinead Geraghty, “With 3 bikes and no external storage options, my house resembled a bike shop and every day we were tripping over at least one of them. It got me thinking that there had to be a better way of storing the bikes without taking up valuable living space. I started researching options to buy and soon realized that there was nothing suitable available. That’s pretty much where the Stowaway concept grew from and for the last 18 months we’ve been working hard developing and refining it.”
What’s wrong with keeping your bicycle in the shed?
Assuming you have a shed, thieves now target them specifically for the bicycles within and as a result, many cycle insurance companies now insist on a high level of door lock security. Cycle insurance from the ETA has a sympathetic policy towards keeping bicycle sin a shed; you can use any type of lock to secure the door and the bike doesn’t have to be locked while left inside – although if it’s visible through a window you have to cover it with a blanket or similar. Read more about storage requirements.
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