The chancellor this week made commitments of over £1.8 billion for roads. Cycling and walking received nothing. Given the financial, health and well-being benefits of these most environmentally benign of transport modes, surely this is an opportunity missed.
With the blustery meteorological and economic conditions that lie ahead, we want to show solidarity with fellow pedestrians by giving away a high-tech umbrella – complete with an image of the blue skies that always lie beyond thunder clouds printed on its underside.

Uncertain time ahead: The chancellor this week made commitments of over £1.8 billion for roads, but cycling and walking received nothing.
The Suprella Pro umbrella is a new take on the traditional brolly – the mechanism opens inside out, which ensures the wet side of the umbrella faces inward when closed, exposing only the dry side.
The umbrella should be considered standard issue for any journey in Britain – whatever the time of year. It is a design so effective that it has remained largely unchanged for thousands of years, but the risk of losing one has not diminished over time. On an average day, the lost property office at Transport for London stores 12,000 waiting to be reunited with their owners.
Win yourself a Suprella Pro umbrella
We have one of these high-tech umbrellas to give away. Leave us a dry comment at the bottom of this page and we will pick a winner next week.
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Al Napp
Al Reed
Bryn Jones
Blue skies smilin’ at me
Nothin’ but blue skies do I see
Christopher Kubale
No more inside out umbrellas for me !
Peter Clark
Damian Connaughton
Dry as a camel’s armpit
I live in Glasgow and I categorically NEED one of these !!!
sara garside
Unmoistened, understated, umbrella!
Tried to think of something, but dried up ……
Richard Newman
As dry as a dead dingo’s didgeridoo.
Chris Barker
You’d be a sili ca not to carry one of these!
Vicky Hirsch
As dry as a sucked lemon?
Those raindrops are falling on my head, they keep fallin’
Alastair Seagroatt
Good way of thinking differently
Margaret Willmot
Suprella the smartest brolly in town
Keeps rain out when it’s up and in when it’s down!
The next Lance
Fantastic idea, sure to brighten a dull miserable day!
Francis Voon
I need a Superella to remain Superdry.
Pete Gateley
No more sloppy brollies in the home – we’re stayin dry as a bone!
Wesley Burrage
You would have to be wet behind the ears not to want one.
parched 😀
Kera Bredin
I am still waiting for the 2 [ under flowered umbrellas ] I ordered some time ago. Need them by Dec. 13–FOR SURE. Please respond with positive, definite date. Much appreciated.
We are not a distributor of this umbrella – we are simply offering one as a prize
David Hunt
Blue skies however you look at it.
Best idea for an umbrella.