We think the number of bicycle baskets per 100 riders is probably a good indicator of how far cycling has evolved in any given area. The fact they are used on town bikes by people running errands demonstrates cycling has become an unexceptional, inclusive and everyday activity – a world away from a sport. To promote this cycling utopia, we have a Basil wire basket to give away.
It’s little more than a simple wire basket with hoops allowing it to be hung on a luggage rack, but it’s pale green colour and distinctive milk bottle motif incorporated into its design make it a charming addition to any bike.
Win a Basil bicycle basket
We have a green Basil wire basket worth £25 to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply leave us a comment at the bottom of this page and let us know what you would carry in your basket. We’ll pick a winner next week.
Ethical cycle insurance
On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another, but the devil is the detail. Check your small print for so-called ‘new-for-old’ replacement. Many insurers use the term, but if your bicycle is more than a few years old, devalue it severely. This means you are left out of pocket when you come to replace it.
With ETA cycle insurance, however old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model. Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy from us helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future. No wonder The Good Shopping Guide has voted us Britain’s most ethical insurance company three years in a row.
Neil Woolford
I like Basil.
Leon moore
I like Basil shopping carrier because it doubles as a shopping carrier in store and on my bike, saving me the need to use my car for short trips to the shops.
Will Thornton
I carry my work bag with my laptop
Jonathan Tier
My daughter would carry a picnic and a book. For myself, I cycle commute to work and it would be great for my steel toe-capped work boots!
Kelly Olivares
I would carry my freshly picked veg from my allotment.
Oliver Spall
I’d carry my cat!
Frances Strickland
Not a very original answer, I’m afraid, as what else would anyone carry in their basket? Jelly.
I would carry my groceries and food/wine to bring to dinner parties (also it matches my bike’s colour perfectly!)
Michael Joy
I’d carry my backpack in it
In the week I’d carry my hard-hat in it. At the weekend would be food shopping, picnics and recycling on its way to the local dump (always a few raised eyebrows when I turn up there on my bike).
I’d carry my packed lunch
My weekly shopping for sure!
Barbara Disney
tubes of printing ink, paper and my very small printing press
Jo Cowley
Champagne, strawberries and a picnic blanket!!
Helen Allen
Well my greyhound lurcher cross is far too big to get in it – so maybe his dog biscuits!
Jon Vamplew
A Fawlty Towers DVD – because my Basil carry swell is not Fawlty!
Lesley Carol
Baskets are for picnics aren’t they? And for taking things to Grandmas’.
Jan Chadwick
I’d use it when we go out on our tandem to carry packing lunches and waterproofs. Fruit and veg shopping on my single cycle!
diana b
Heavy things – wine and potatoes – at the bottom with bread and grapes at the top
Pat Hagen
I would carry my book
Roger Munford
If there is only one going I will put all my eggs in it.
Sarah Fitch
My tomato plant….fresh tomatoes on the go 🙂
Too much healthy stuff up there! Let’s test it’s beer carrying capacity 😊
Paresh Desai
I’d carry champagne, flowers and a few snacks to enjoy a couple of hours under a tree with my sweetie.
Persephone Beer
Anything i could fit in it and more.
Mat Jackson
Shopping! 🙂
I’d christen it with picking up fresh herbs from the supermarket and basil would be the first to go in.
Julian Carter
I’d carry whatever took my fancy from the honesty box sellers of veg, fruit & plants in the surrounding villages, oh & my emergency tools & spares kit!
I would carry homemade muffins inside reused paper flour bags.
Maureen Mace
I will carry my sketchbook and pens, plus a picnic of champagne and quails eggs, to capture my beautiful city of Cambridge.
I would carry my children’s nursery bags as I cycle them to nursery pulling them in the trailer.
Looks like it would hold lots of shopping
I love Basil!
would keep the shopping bags down
v h i09i90y
I would take it with a map, a picnic, my railcard and possibly minimal overnight lightweight clothes etc plus a sun/rain hat and a lightweight cagoule. I’d like to use it to cycle the John Muir Way across Scotland.
Perfect for Turkish pide bread! (though I’m also strongly tempted just to grow sweet peas in it)
definitely eggs – I will be putting all of them in it when shopping for the weekly groceries.
Wendy Harrold
I am trying to get fit. So I would put my swimming gear in it, towel, swimming cossie, talc, deodorant, hair brush. It looks big enough to hold all that. So here’s hoping. xx
Anne Damerell
Those milk bottle shapes are a bit silly. They make a wide gap and small stuff will fall out.
My lunch, my swimming kit and a towel as I head to the sea straight from work because I’m training for an Ironman.
Lynney Freeflow
I would carry my wee speaker, a bag off small percussion instruments, a box of fruit n nut, local Montezuma’s chocolate, a home made smoothie, all so that I could busk without using my car, if my saxophone didn’t fit in it I would carry it on my back ☺
Sue Whelan
A good idea – a basket (in) case extra capacity is required
It’s not wireless?
Peter Clark
Milk. Two teenage boys. I get through a lot of milk
Cathy Carr
This would stop all my shopping bags getting stuck in my spokes + my jacket getting stuck in my spokes + everything else getting stuck in my spokes!!! + I’d be very grateful for that..
Looks great for shopping I would love one
Ideal for that quick trip to the local shop
By my previous comment, I meant food, and occasionally beer.
Howard Woods
I would carry an emergency wine box, and a chutney-topped posrk pie.
Id put my bowls in it when im off to play
Lots of vino!
James Brady
I would carry all my emotions and a collection of records to go along with them as they flow through the day with me. I would also carry a scotch egg and a half pint of IPA beer.
Milk: looks much better than canvas panniers which always get caught in my spokes.
Suki R
On a sunny day, two Cava,two red, two rose, two bags of crisps (between bottles for cushioning), a rug and some olives. Sorted.
I would carry some hot chilli sauce and a cold bottle of pineapple juice
this looks great
Clare Sheridan
After harvesting with friends and youngsters from local special needs college, then I would carry that superb veg round to friends who no longer are able to get to the Community allotment. Hence they can continue to enjoy the healthy properties of local, organic vegetables. Love Clare
David Hunt
This would be perfect for the weekly groceries shop with my son on the back.
Eleanor Clegg
Hat, handbag, hairbrush, harp, heirloom and a hitch-hiker.
Karl M
I would carry around my collection of Glove Puppets … Boom Boom!!
It would carry the air that we breathe come rain or shine.
Jenny Clapinson
..my towel, flip flops and a book, then cycle down to my local beach 🙂
Christine Hall
Ooh, clever solution. I’d put the picnic in it – and a waterproof jacket.
Liz MacGregor
A lovely basked to add to my Dawes bike, given to me by a neighbour when his wife died. I would be able to use it when visiting my community market for lovely fresh, local produce – I always buy too much and it is too heavy to carry all the way home. It would save taking the car/polluting our village further.
Anna Hayball
My daughter would like a pair of these to put her school bags in when she starts secondary school in September. To have one sponsored by ETA would be really helpful.
Hilary Tunnicliffe
My retirement picnics!
Les Gunbie
I would carry my school stuff
All the vintage and secondhand beauties I pick up when I cycle around my city’s charity shops! 🙂
As I have no car & my bike is my main mode of transport the answer has to be… anything that fits!
Eric Duval
Eric Duval
Eric Duval
More bikes!
Carol W
As it’s a Basil basket I’d just have to carry a brush along with shopping or gardening gear.
Paul Rock
Basil looks great to me…
My peanut butter 🙂
I live by my much loved bike, so would carry everything and anything in it! Priority would go to a change of cloths.
What a lovely idea! I would use it to carry groceries, flowers, handbag or my small, very well behaved dog, Molly.
Francis Voon
With a basket like this I can put my layering system with bubble wrap to keep my soft fruits intact.
What a lovely, flexible design this is. I love it! I would use it for everyday shopping, perfect for milk, with light groceries on top.
The shopping.
James Russell
Tomatoes, pasta, parmesan cheese, pepper, salt, and I think I need a herb to finish off a lovely supper. Any ideas?
Graham Clark
I’d carry clothes and food for work, shopping on the way back, and a good picnic at weekends
Maggi Moon
Pomegranates watermelons lemons dandelion leaves eggs tea peas apples
Rain gear
Extra layers
Swim gear towel googles