The two most common questions in Tim Hoyle’s house used to be “have you seen my (enter cycling-related item of your choice here)?” and “Can you please put away your (enter cycling-related item of your choice here)?”
It’s the reason he invented the Kitnetik, a clever magnetic rack that allows you to efficiently dry all of your current running or cycling kit, including your rain-soaked shoes. Powerful magnets make attaching and detaching from steel radiators quick and easy. The result is a neater house whilst drying kit, quicker to store it all away, and it’s all kept together so you shouldn’t loose the bits you currently need.
The Kitnetik is currently available to pre-order via kickstarter.com and will soon be for sale at kitnetik.com
Win yourself a Kitnetik
We have pre-ordered a Kitnetik worth £40 to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply leave us a comment at the bottom of this page.
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Huw Thomas
Tidy !
Peter Chisnall
Gary Moon
Great space saving gadget meaning I can fill saved space with new stuff 😁
John thys
Andy G
Looks fantastic!
This is brilliant !
I’m hooked!
Can I have one for my hangers on?
Always amazed how the simple ideas are the best nad how no one has thought of them before!
sara garside
Flipping fantastic ! Seem to spend winter peeling kit off radiators, and stuffing shoes with newspaper. And they can never find it ! Please make my life easier, I would be very greatfull.
Graham Clark
This would be a sooo welcomed by my work colleagues.
Oh go on then!
Though I’m intrigued to know how you hang a top that doesn’t have a full length zip? Or have I been doing coat hangers ‘wrong’ all my life!
Also should it not made of carbon and cost and north of £100? To satisfy the discerning/asperational amongst us?
Alan Jones
It should also have a half checked half hirsute version for hipsters
Roger Birchall
This would make my Wife happ!y and my life a lot easier!
Norman Rose
This will make my partner HAPPY! No more clothing hanging over doors and stair rails
Peter Clark
Kitnetic! I see what he did there!
Carol W
What an excellent idea. No more hanging my cycling gear over the back of a chair at work,
Rory Harkins
Brilliant idea
This would solve the trouble drying my stuff at work this winter
Thomas Webster
Keep all the drips in one place, with a purpose built hanger for all your cycling gear…
Alan Anderson
What a great idea!
Alastair Seagroatt
Looks like something from the dark side but would certainly do the job.
Jonathan Hunt
This would be a perfect solution for me at work 🙂
Love them apples
Compact and smart! Will help make households much more harmonious.
Anna Shakoor-Green
With three cyclists in the house (two of us cycle training instructors) we could really use a Kitnetik.
Stuart Lamb
Wet wet wet
brilliant idea!
Mark B
Oooh! Yes please.
Andrew Boyd
looks like a fab piece of commuter kit
Pat Hagen
Will help with the winter weather
Would prove useful with our confined space at work
£40? – for a glorified coat hanger? It must be made of carbon fibre.
I wouldn’t turn down a gift though.
Paul K
Even the designer’s own website describes the non-magnetic version as [and I quote] “the non-magnetic option that is just a big coat-hanger”: for a mere £35!
David Driver
Does it do my ironing as well ?
Also a humidifier in these dry months!
Alan Jones
This should about the people at work immensely
Alan Jones
Alan Jones
Not about, annoy
Mark Smith
Looks great – getting a bit wet around here (Wales) at this time of year!
David Ekbery
Nifty little invention
Phillip Legg
Please can I have this – I stand half a chance of stopping that annoying ‘buzz’ that I keep hearing in my ear from (Enter your term of endearment here).
Looks good. Hope it works.
This is SO useful. Pick me! Pick me!
This looks fab for those wet mornings on the way to work to get everything dried for the way home
Francis Voon
I don’t mind one.
A nice “thinking outside the box” solution. THANKS
Mark D.
My principle is “A place for everything and everything in its place”. This would be perfect for people like me to organise ourselves
I have a real HANG UP about mess, so this would be ideal!
Tim Allen
My girlfriend would be extremely happy.
Jennyve Salvato
What an excellent idea! need one of those! 🙂
My work colleagues would love me to get one! PLEASE?
Happy wife, happy life. Well, should make her happier.
Great idea, a cure for the winter blues, more riding = happiness
Colin Davies
My wife would like me to win one of these please.
Is this for real?
Has anyone actually ever won anything in these competitions? It would be great if the winners’ names were published please?
Yes, of course we send out the prizes. Furthermore, with one prize a week and an average number of entries each week of, let’s say, 50, the odds mean that with average luck you should win once a year. There’s one more thing worth mentioning – when we have pre-ordered a prize via a crowdfunding website (as in the case of the Kitnetik) we sometimes have to wait a long time for it to be sent to us so we only draw a winner when it’s safely in our hands. Most of the prizes are not affected in this way.
Sally Kertzman
Would be great to tidy up my 17 year old son’s kit. Bedroom floor is main storage area currently!
Useful for drying running kit as well as my cycling gear.
Carol Murray
This would bring smiley faces to the cyclist and non cyclist people in my family