The French government looks likely to strip motorists of their driving licences when they are caught using their mobile phones at the wheel.
The plan forms part of a range of new measures aimed at reducing road danger including a cut in speed limit on country roads to 80km/h.
Driver’s caught using a mobile look likely to face a three-month suspension of their driving licence. Currently, drivers in France using a mobile phone at the wheel face a fine of €135 and three penalty points.
However, in common with Britain, increased fines and penalty have not stopped the dangerous habit. In 2015 alone, 300,000 drivers in France were fined after being caught using their phone.
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Jeff Anderson
3 month disqual for using a mobile phone, that would certainly do the trick, bring it on
Vincent Edwards
Three months is not enough. People who use ‘phones (especially for texting or checking Facebook) while driving are at least as dangerous as drunk drivers, so should be treated as severely. A 12-month ban for the first offence, together with a fine. Longer ban for any subsequent offence together with community service (e.g. picking up litter, painting rusty railings etc) or prison as appropriate. It used to be considered quite respectable to drive while drunk. Legislation helped to change attitudes. Currently a lot of people see no harm in texting at the wheel. When they see their friends go to jail they will see things differently.