Do you seem to collect bike lights, but lose the brackets? No problem – thingumy is a clever strap made from upcycled inner tubes that allows you to strap front lights of any size to the back of your hand and rear lights to your ankle.
thingumy is adjustable so you can strap pretty much any bike light or small torch to the back of your hand…or ankle. This allows you to focus the light exactly where you want…on the road it might be a distracted driver waiting to make a turn…on a trail it might be overhanging branches or another obstruction beyond your field of view.
Another benefit of the thingumy is that a slight change of hand position gives a dipped or full-beam effect…useful if you’re riding a trail at night and there are people on foot you don’t want to dazzle.
The design also makes it possible to carry locks, clothing…even bananas. And all without the need for brackets.

You can do other things with thingumy…
Win a thingumy
We have five thingumys to give away. Simply leave us a comment below and we will pick winners next week.
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Curious thing!
A thing way more useful than gum!
Worth giving it a go, could be a nice idea
Neil Woolford
Super idea. I’ve just bought a cheap light which has a seat-post clip that is too small for any modern seat-post…
Wolf Simpson
Perfect for those moments when you’ve run out of room in your panniers full of shopping & need to strap the D lock elsewhere.
Nicola Branch
Loving you guys. Esp on Twitter. Saw these thingumys and would love one for my bike camera.
David Peel
I knew I needed a banana holder!
Matt Bracewell
I can’t bear to throw away old ‘tubes: yet I never seem to have enough because they’re sooo useful. E.g. I’ve got a cross section wrapped around the bezel of my (gorgeous) Exposure Trace light – it prevents the light from ruining my night-sight and protects the glass/plastic when I inevitably drop it. Even skinnier sections make great bands for tying up cables.
Great work and, erm, well named!
Mary Stevens
Perfect for my collection of lights that had useless brackets – and for rear light for us too short for it to be visible on seat post – want one – or two
Alastair Seagroatt
I’m sure it could have several uses as well as the ones shown. A good way of recycling old inner tubes.
Nice idea. Thanks to ETA for this opportunity.
Gill Watling
HANG on, these thingumy guys may be on to something here!
Can’t think of a witty STRAP line……..
Christine Davies
I could get really attached to one of those.
Anna Shakoor-Green
I need a thingummy! I have a rack on my bike and always have problems finding a way to attach lights.
How illuminating!
Nick O’Shaughnessy
At last – something useful that saves money!!
Just the job! and what a bright idea!
Su Gilroy
What a great idea, with lots of potential.
Ady Lazarus
These could be life savers for anyone cycling on unlit roads
Should we have a competition to see how many uses there are for a thingumy?
Kath H
Looks a great idea, I’d love to try one
Andy Giddy
Great idea – I have loads of lights I can’t use and this would give them a new lease of life!
bob Griffiths-garrod
great idea – a free set would be ideal
Fab. That would make it really easy to swop lights between bikes, using more than 1 light as well as placing them where it makes you most visible.
I concur… I’ve plenty of lights but the brackets sometimes break and go brittle. This should do the job.
Gary Moon
Sounds like a great addition to my commuting armoury
Philip Thompson
Looks like a useful strap, but don’t forget that to be legal lights must be attached to the bike!
bob ward
It could be bobs thingummy bob
Rachel Harrison
Can’t forget a name like that! Fantastic idea. Useful spotlight for unlocking your bike…finding keys…very adaptable. Simple and effective….
Clever idea. I would love one!
Juan Cely
Great idea! I would love one of these!!! ETA you are the best!
Peter Clark
Finally something I can remember the name of!
Think I will be using mine to secure my D lock as Im fed up of carrying it in my backpack.
Sarah Fitch
I definitely need these! Brilliant! 😀
I’d like the thingy
Brill. I have a bag of bike brackets and lights and a bag of old sausages (inner tubes) in the vain hope that they might mate one day and make a lovely child. This looks like its it. Floats my cycling, penny pinching, and re-cycling boat. I am under the stairs rummaging as we speak. If I don’t get the free one, I think I might invest. I have the whole gamut of bike lights from high end to cheapie and with five bikes in the family, its a big rummage bag. SO its a yes from me.
Jeremy Brunger
Enlightening idea!!!
Looks like a good use for all those old inner tubes.
Just the thing to go with my spiderman web-slingers!
This could be a great solution for unorthodox bike frames, racks etc. They do look like a great solution for my bike.
Bethan W
At last, an use for inner tubes, and all those bike lights
So many uses, on and off the bike, neat upcycling idea.
Have been meaning to get new brackets for months, but this could be the solution to all my missing-bracket-woes.
Angela H
Better than the ooja-ma-flip flops that come with the lights, used once and never seen again!
Carol Weaver
I’d love to win one for my son who is a champion loser of brackets! He’d never have to remember to remove from his bike when locking it up either. Great idea!
Cycling John
Yes please. I would love some to put my lights wherever I like on my bike. 😀
This is indeed one of the most awesome additions I would want for my mtb !!