You already know we are different. We may not have a household name, but as Britain’s most ethical breakdown company, we find other ways to stand out from the crowd. If you buy your home insurance, cycle insurance, travel insurance and breakdown cover or mobility scooter insurance, here are just a few of the things you made possible this year…
In 2017, we promoted sustainable transport to an audience of thousands. With the help of our trusty vintage van, a team of travel planners and bicycle mechanics – armed with reams of information about walking, cycling and public transport – we put on 50 free public events.
Our campaign to reduce road danger this year saw numerous outings for our inflatable zebra crossing and pop-up policeman. Every child has the right to cross to school in safely. Your support helped us in our campaign to ensure every school can get a designated safe crossing on any road on which it has an entrance.
This was the year we were blocked on Twitter by the RAC. We had simply questioned their position on road ‘safety’. Our independence is just one the reasons we are named Britain’s most ethical insurance company. It means we campaign fearlessly. Without fear or favour.
We don’t think messages about sustainable transport need always be serious. When the roads froze earlier this year, we built our very own zero-emissions gritting vehicle…one of a number of tongue-in-cheek projects we undertook to highlight zero emissions travel and that were was seen by millions across social, print and broadcast media.
We continue to off-set the carbon emissions from every breakdown we attended – in this way we have supported vital low-carbon projects in Britain and throughout the world for over 27 years. How many other breakdown companies do the same?
Together we can do more
Every time you buy home insurance, cycle insurance, travel insurance and breakdown cover or mobility scooter insurance from us, you fund projects to promote sustainable transport. Get an instant quote
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