Motorbike Breakdown Cover from the ETA
We can provide motorbike breakdown recovery in one of two ways:
Personal cover – applies to you as rider / pillion, or driver / passenger on any bike or in any car
Vehicle cover – applies to any rider using your bike
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Motorbike Breakdown Recovery
If your motorbike breaks down or is involved in a crash over ¼ of a mile from your home, we’ll send a specialist recovery team who will offer up to one hour’s labour at the roadside to get your bike moving again. We fix four out of five faults in this way, but if we can’t get your motorcycle moving we’ll take you, your bike and pillion to the nearest suitable garage.
Cover includes breakdowns caused by lost, snapped or stolen keys, running out of fuel and filling up with the wrong fuel.
We also guarantee to get your motorbike to a suitable repairer, even if this means recovering you home first and then arranging a next-day recovery free of charge.
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Single-trip European motorcycle breakdown cover
Who knows when we’ll be able to take to the roads of Europe once again, but there’s nothing to stop you planning. A single-trip policy from the ETA provides the ideal motorbike road trip breakdown cover, with cover available from 1-31 days.
Our Europe option covers motorcycles, trikes and sidecar combinations and extends all features and benefits already chosen from the list above to all states of the European Union for up to 90 days. We cover Austria, Belgium, Britain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden as well as Norway, Switzerland, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican City.
This type of single-trip breakdown cover may suit bikers who travel abroad only occasionally and those who make do with a basic level of breakdown service at home, but prefer the peace of mind offered by a more comprehensive level of cover when abroad.
Get a Single-Trip European Breakdown Quote
On your way to the coast, the cover includes up to one hour’s free labour at the roadside, and if necessary:
Recovery to one single destination in Britain, or one night hotel stay while your motorbike is repaired, or onward travel for you and your pillion to complete your journey and a return journey for the rider to collect the repaired bike, or motorbike or car hire for up to 5 days to a maximum of £40 per day while your bike is being repaired.
Once in continental Europe, European single trip breakdown includes the benefits listed above with the following extensions to the cover: Motorbike or car hire for up to 14 days to a maximum of £60 per day and if your bike cannot be repaired within 72 hours we will arrange for it to be repatriated to your home.
Motorbike breakdown cover that suits you
We allow you to put together a level of cover that suits the way you use your bike.
Get an instant quote online or call us on 0333 000 1234
The following options can be added in any combination:
Motorbike National Recovery
If your motorbike suffers a breakdown or is involved in a crash over ¼ of a mile from your home, we will send a recovery truck to you and one of our mechanics will offer up to one hours’ labour at the roadside in order to get your vehicle moving again.
If we cannot get you moving that day, we will transport you and your pillion to one single destination in Britain or provide onward travel to complete your journey and a return journey for the rider to collect the bike once it is repaired.
Home Rescue
Home Rescue includes all of the benefits offered by our breakdown cover (see above) if you breakdown at, or within a 1/4 mile of, your home address.
Hotel & Motorbike Hire
If your bike suffers a breakdown or is involved in a crash over ¼ of a mile from your home, we will send a recovery truck to you and one of our mechanics will offer up to one hour’s labour at the roadside in order to get your vehicle moving again.
In addition, if we cannot get you moving that day, we will provide you and your passenger one night’s accommodation at a maximum of £60 per person or car hire for up to five days to a maximum of £40 per day while your vehicle is being repaired.
European Motorbike Breakdown Cover
Extends your chosen cover to the rest of Europe.
Get a quote for ETA Motorbike Breakdown Cover
Ethical breakdown cover
The ETA has been providing breakdown cover for over 30 years.
The Good Shopping Guide each year reveals the good, the bad, and the ugly of the world’s companies and brands, with a view to supporting the growth ethical business as well as a more sustainable, just society. The ETA has been judged to be the UK’s most ethical provider for over 10 years in a row.
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