If you have ever ‘hit the wall’ while cycling, you will know how long it can take to recover, but a study in the journal Analytical Chemistry this week describes the first human tests of a new bio sensor that predicts an impending ‘bonk’.
Hitting the ‘wall’
When our muscles demand more energy than the body can supply from aerobic respiration and shifts to anaerobic metabolism, producing lactic acid and lactate. This helps for a while, but the lactate builds up and causes extreme fatigue and what is sometimes described as ‘bonking out’.
The metabolite bio sensor is worn on the skin like a temporary tattoo and accurately measures lactate levels in sweat during exercise.
ETA cycle insurance covers race events
Cycle insurance from the ETA includes cover for race events such as triathlon, time trials, downhill mountain biking, sportifs and other competitive cycling both in Britain and abroad. No additional cost is made for race cover, but certain exclusions apply.
When you are taking part in a cycle race or triathlon you are covered against theft, accidental damage and vandalism, but not third party cover, personal accident or cycle rescue. Third party insurance is usually the responsibility of the race organiser or will be included as part of your race licence if you have one.
Is the bicycle covered in transition areas?
When you take part in a triathlon, your bike is covered against theft when it is left in the transition area. The bike does not need to be locked while it is in the transition areas as long as the area is supervised by a marshal (which is usually the case).
Am I covered for race events while I’m on holiday?
Yes, in the same way as you are in Britain. You are covered against theft, accidental damage and vandalism while you are racing. In the case of triathlon, your bike is covered against theft when it is left in transition as long as the area is supervised by a marshal (which is usually the case). You are not covered against third party claims, personal accident cover or cycle rescue while racing. Third party liability is usually the responsibility of the race organiser or may be included as part of your race licence if you have one.
Does ETA cycle insurance cover accidental damage when racing?
Yes. Our policy covers accidental damage during competitive cycling whether it’s on-road during a sportif, off-road downhill mountain biking or indoors during a freestyle BMX competition.
Get a quote for cycle insurance
Tony Williams
Wow! I clicked on this to find out what “Hitting the wall” might mean. Now I’ve met the term “bonking out” as well. Bicycles are obviously dangerous.
I’m afraid that the person who wrote the press release for this new biosensor did not know what ‘hitting the wall’ and ‘bonking’ mean – they mean running out of glycogen. The sensor monitors sweat lactate which will not increase in this situation.