Now that smart phones allow us to carry the world in out pockets, the next step may be wearable transport – so says Hungarian industrial designer Adam Torok. His Belt Scooter is articulated so that it can be worn around the waist when not being ridden.
Unless you are lucky enough to live a stone’s throw from a bus stop or railway station, the journeys you make by public transport are likely to involve a ‘last mile’ – the walk home that can leave you feeling you’d have been better off taking the car. It’s the reason why folding bikes such as the Brompton are popular with rail commuters and why wearable scooters might prove popular with city dwellers.
Find out more about the Belt Scooter at
If the Belt Scooter’s tiny wheels don’t seem up to uneven pavements, a cheap fix to the problem of the last mile trudge home is to leave a hack bike at your local railway station. An old, unloved bicycle can be picked up for pennies and is unlikley to attract the attention of thieves.
I want one of those!