Cycling suffrage in 2015

City cycling can be a challenge at the best of times, but women cyclists in Cairo today fear sexual harassment more than road danger.

women cycling cairo

The fact that the sight of a woman on a bike is considered by many in Egypt to be socially unacceptable, is not stopping cycling advocates Go Bike from promtoing bicycles to both sexes.

Go Bike founder Mohamed Samy says: “We want bicycles to be a means for Egyptian girls to break the moulds of customs and traditions.”

Cycling suffrage

The barriers against women on bikes extend across the region. An outright ban on women cycling in Saudi Arabia was last year lifted. However, the patriarchy replaced it with permission for women to cycle for recreational purposes only, not as a primary mode of transportation. Women are permitted to ride bicycles on the proviso they wear a full-body abaya, are accompanied by a male relative, and stay within in parks and recreational areas.

Susan B. Anthony famously remarked that the bicycle did “more to emancipate women than anything else in the world”. Over 100 years ago in Britain and America, as women learned to ride bicycles they discovered freedom from the cumbersome fashions of the Victorian era as well as Victorian sensibilities. The restrictive corsets and heavy, multi-layered skirts petticoats and hoops of the era gave way to ‘rational dress’ in the form of bloomers.

Cycling suffrage When Annie Londonderry embarked on a circumnavigation of the globe in 1896 (to settle a bet that a woman could not cycle around the world), she soon discarded the corset and heavy skirts considered acceptable sportswear at the time in favour the more liberating athletic bloomers.

The rational dress society statement of purpose reads in part: The Rational Dress society protests against the introduction of any fashion in dress that either deforms the figure, impedes the movement of the body, or in any way tends to injure the health. It protests against the wearing of tightly fitted corsets, of high-heeled or narrow toed boots and shoes; of heavily weighted skirts, as rendering healthy exercise almost impossible.

However, the bloomer made enemies with women wearing them complaining of being ridiculed, fined, and even treated “like a prostitute” by local authorities and those who wished to push the boundaries further still, by wearing, for example, a short skirt, faced physical violence.

On 21st June 1895, the Newark Sunday Advocate ran the following article:

The Unique Cycling club of Chicago is all that its name implies. One of its laws is that on all runs bloomers and knickerbockers shall be worn, and two members who disobeyed this rule recently met with a punishment that they will not forget soon. Union park was the rendezvous for the last run, and 50 members turned out. The president, Miss Bunker, observed two women wearing short skirts over their bloomers.

“Take the skirts off,” ordered Captain Bunker.
“Indeed we won’t,” was the reply.

A crowd of 200 had collected to see the start. The president and the captain held a consultation, and then, taking several strong armed members with them, fell on the skirt wearers and stripped them down to their bloomers.

“It was done in all seriousness,” said Mrs. Langdon. “The club’s rules are made to be kept and not to be broken. Why did we take off the skirts in public? For no other reason but to make examples of the offenders. They publicly defied our rules and were published accordingly.”

DON’TS FOR WOMEN RIDERS from New York World 1895
1.  Don’t be a fright 2.   Don’t faint on the road
3.  Don’t wear a man’s cap 4.   Don’t wear tight garters
5.  Don’t forget your tool bag 6.   Don’t attempt a “century”
7.  Don’t coast. It is dangerous 8.   Don’t boast of your long rides
9.  Don’t criticize people’s “legs.” 10. Don’t wear loud hued leggings
11. Don’t cultivate a “bicycle face” 12. Don’t refuse assistance up a hill
13. Don’t wear clothes that don’t fit 14. Don’t neglect a “lights out” cry
15. Don’t wear jewellery while on a tour 16. Don’t race. Leave that to the scorchers
17. Don’t wear laced boots. They are tiresome 18. Don’t imagine everybody is looking at you
19. Don’t go to church in your bicycle costume 20. Don’t wear a garden party hat with bloomers
21. Don’t contest the right of way with cable cars 22. Don’t chew gum. Exercise your jaws in private
23. Don’t wear white kid gloves. Silk is the thing 24. Don’t ask, “What do you think of my bloomers?”
25. Don’t use bicycle slang. Leave that to the boys 26. Don’t go out after dark without a male escort
27. Don’t without a needle, thread and thimble 28. Don’t try to have every article of your attire “match”
29. Don’t let your golden hair be hanging down your back 30. Don’t allow dear little Fido to accompany you
31. Don’t scratch a match on the seat of your bloomers 32. Don’t discuss bloomers with every man you know
33. Don’t appear in public until you have learned to ride well 34. Don’t overdo things
35. Let cycling be a recreation, not a labor 36. Don’t ignore the laws of the road because you are a woman
37. Don’t try to ride in your brother’s clothes “to see how it feels” 38. Don’t scream if you meet a cow. If she sees you first, she will run
39. Don’t cultivate everything that is up to date because you ride a wheel 40. Don’t emulate your brother’s attitude if he rides parallel with the ground
41. Don’t undertake a long ride if you are not confident of performing it easily 42. Don’t appear to be up on “records” and “record smashing.” That is sporty.

Cycle insurance for ladies and gentlemen

Every cycle insurance policy from the ETA includes new-for-old replacement if your bike is stolen, cover for accidental damage (race events included), third party insurance (in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else), personal accident cover and if you breakdown, we will even come out and recover you and your bike.

Britain’s first cycle insurer

For over 24 years we have been providing straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance. Whether you use your bike to commute, shop, race or amble in the park, ETA cycle insurance has you covered.

Many cycle insurers offer very limited cover, charging extra for features we believe should come as standard – such as third party cover, personal accident or extension of your cover to family and friends. ETA cycle insurance provides one fully-comprehensive package for total peace of mind, whatever your cycling needs. And for every cycle insurance policy we sell, we make a donation to the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.


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