The world’s smallest DIY bicycle caravan is the Foldavan – a lightweight design that collapses for easy storage and towing.
Wooden Widget produces a range of collapsible boats and sailing dinghies that can be towed behind a bicycle and the Foldavan shares many of the same design principles.
Built from wood, carbon fibre and reinforced PVC cloth, the teardrop-shaped Foldavan has three modes. When being stored, or transported on a car roof rack, it collapses flat. While being towed by a bicycle, it opens to 60 cm – about the same as the width as most handlebars. Once at its destination, it takes less than five minutes to transform the Foldavan into camping mode. Fully-extended, the caravan measures 1.2 m wide and offers over one metre of headroom.
The Foldavan weighs only 30 kg and has a low centre of gravity, which means it can negotiate even quite rough terrain – in high winds, the sides can be unzipped to let the wind pass through.
The Foldavan trailer is available as a set of plans for £30. The tiny caravan takes about 50 hours to build with materials easy to find in varying qualities to suit any budget – a Foldavan can be built for next to nothing using reclaimed timber and secondhand parts.
The carbon footprint of the build is small because all the materials can be found locally or salvaged. Furthermore, the company plants five trees every time it sells a set of plans.
Win plans to build your own Foldavan
We have a set of plans to build the Foldavan to give away. Leave a comment at the bottom of this page and let us know what you’d use yours for and we will pick a name.
Cycle Insurance
Cycle insurance from the ETA includes new-for-old, third party insurance (in the case of an accident you may need to seek compensation or even deal with a claim by someone else), personal accident cover, race event cover and if you suffer a mechanical breakdown, we will come out and recover you and your bike. Electric bicycles can also be covered. Includes 90 days’ worldwide cover. Get a quote
Charlotte Vang
We are going on a vineyard tour this spring and would love to be able to take our bike there and sleep under the stars after tasting the grapes!
Nehaal Bajwa
I would use the Foldavan to take short cheap trips from the inner-city where I live to park and forest campsites with a friend. I work from home as a Research Assistant, but that makes me grouchy and vitamin D-deficient. Instead, I’d love to be able to go on a cycle tour of the countryside this summer, with my laptop and a map of the nearest campsites and wifi-equipped cafes and pubs, to mix cycling, sun (hopefully!), seeing the sights and working (it has to be done I guess).
Nick Broom
It will turn heads at ‘Caravan Club’ sites and lead to many admiring comments.
Jane collier
This would be an amazing opportunity for the young people in our bicycle project.
Alastair Seagroatt
Be great to have one and share it with numerous cycling pals.
Craig S-A
Something a little different and a bit more fun than a cargo trailer with a tent in. Certainly a great way for a more quirky bike ride, an overnight experience and then back again. I’d love one
Debbie Brown
Been trying to convince my hubby to get involved with cycling. This would be the perfect excuse!
Be great to try it out and publish some stories of our adventures.
Lungile Mngadi
I would explore the British countryside using well used routes and less trodden routes to break away from civilisation for days at a time. This is ideal to carry camping equipment, sleeping bag, pots, flask, etc etc
Mary Morgan
With one of these attached to the back of our tandem, my daughter and I would be truly free to go on an epic adventure through Scotland
Colette Stein
I would take the Foldavan on the Camino to Santiago de Compostela – no snoring dormitories for me, what luxury.
Brilliant for exploring, for astronomy, for listening to the dawn chorus,there are so many possibilities.
Perfect for Summer festival season. just rock up on your bike and relax! Perfect hotel!
James Tinsley
Looks different than trailer containing tent – have to get fit and strong though but good idea
Peter Clark
A solo Lands End to John O’Groats for diabetes research
Mary Fisher
Because we are old – pushing 80 – we can’t tow heavy loads on our bikes but this would be possible. Instant napping, instant moving. Fabulous!
Peter Chisnall
Yes please!
Just hit the the road and see where it takes you, knowing you don’t have to turn around and go back.
Jamie J
Starts scavenge list…
Deirdre P
This looks really cool, I know several people who would love it. I’m not sure I’m one of them. Not least because I doubt zI could tow 30kg!
Jean Lofts
I cannot drive, I am a 63 year old female with a registered disability and a wonderful sense of adventure. I have a thing about living small. I’m just moving into a small sheltered flat. I would love to have my dear friend build me the Foldavan, connect it to my folding electric trike and he and I would ride off into the sunset together and sleep under the stars……..X
This is exactly what I need for my tours. It would enable me to be truly independant at nights and when I want a rest. So yes please! One for me & my bike. 🙂
roger birchall
The wife is always going on about loosing a little more weight and this would be ideal!,
She could pedal away all summer with me in the back giving her support while watching the tour de france on my ipad and holding a light beverage, or two. Hmm
Just hope she doesnt read this or it might be more of a permanent thing for me!
Lynne H
It would be the answer to my dreams to just get on my bike and get away for a break from home. To not have to worry about the cost of accommodation locally. I could use it to explore further and further the local area and the local cycle club would definitely take it away on adventures too.
To avoid council tax(!) Though the postie may have a problem with it(?) Never mind the bin collectors.
Oh wow, the adventures, the possibilities!….and always somewhere to shelter, reflect and write. Beautiful.
Al Reed
This would be great for touring with my son.
i would use it for touring around the country
Mark B
I’d love one of these!
This would be a great project to work on with my teenage daughter, some mother daughter bonding time is definitely needed at the moment.
This would be perfect for mine and the husband’s annual cycling holiday. 🙂
Paul Hanson
Yet another great invention for making sustainable living fun, comfortable and affordable. I’d love one!
Harry Coulton
I’d take my folodavan on tour with me! I cycled across Europe, from Budapest to Bristol, busking the whole way. I want to cycle to India to raise awareness for green forms of transport and to play my music to the world on the way!!
Chris Johnson
What a marvellous solution to overloading one’s bike wheels with camping gear!
Jennie Whitford
It’s the only way to go and if I won the plans I’d enjoy the fruits of my labour even more
Great invention!
I would cross the Alps with my girlfriend.
I am going to do it with or without your Plan for the bycicle-caravan.
But you could make it much easier for me …