The two most common questions in Tim Hoyle’s house used to be “have you seen my (enter cycling-related item of your choice here)?” and “Can you please put away your (enter cycling-related item of your choice here)?”
It’s the reason he invented the Kitnetik, a clever magnetic rack that allows you to efficiently dry all of your current running or cycling kit, including your rain-soaked shoes. Powerful magnets make attaching and detaching from steel radiators quick and easy. The result is a neater house whilst drying kit, quicker to store it all away, and it’s all kept together so you shouldn’t loose the bits you currently need.
The Kitnetik is on sale at kitnetik.com
Win yourself a Kitnetik
We have a Kitnetik worth £40 to give away. To be in with a chance of winning, simply leave us a comment at the bottom of this page.
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Gillian Watling
Perfect for my office after my daily commute!
Gary Moon
Could have definitely made use of this recently on my commutes to work.
would be useful for my gym kit and would give me an excuse to have the radiator on all the time #cozy
Sharon Merredew
I am (magnetically) attracted to this clever idea. It would certainly save me ‘hanging around’ waiting for my cycle gear to dry after a soggy commute.
My wife would love this ;less cycling kit slung about.
I need this in my office!
Thanks for the chance!
A smart design. It would be useful for running kit as well as cycling kit.
Peter Clark
That moment when you realise you have no idea whether there are radiators in your office.
Rafael Gonzalez
Got already something similar, but homemade. Time to upgrade 🙂
Huw Thomas
Rory Harkins
My colleagues would like this much better than me leaving items randomly around the office to dry
Roger Birchall
Would save me a lot of time trying to find where my Wife has “hid” my recently dried Cycling gear!!! 😈
David Mann
I want one
Mark B
Looks great! I’d love one.
My dad would LOVE one of these!!!
Mike masterson
My family would really like this!
Pete Gateley
No more excuses. Kit dry and ready to use again. Great idea.
Hey, where’s mi kittie kit?
Alastair Seagroatt
A definite plus for my household, winter cycling has taken its toll!
Lance Woodman
Fantastic design
Clever design, fingers crossed for my chances.
Thanks ETA
Great idea for small spaces
James Russell
I would quite like one. My wife would love me to have one!
Great to put all your wet stuff on as you come through the door before dripping it all over the house
Mark Minion
Need this so much with our lovely Spring weather
Teresa Mitchell
Keeps everything together – what’s not to like?
My wife would really love me to win this please 🙂
Some people get really hung up about my damp cycling kit in the office……………….
To quote the great bard “‘Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage”:
Never more true on this neat house tidier!!!!
O Jackson
Could really do with this today after getting soaked on my commute!
I live in England, I clearly need this in my life.
Love it!! Yes pls
Julia Acklam
There was a fit lady from Bath
Who used the cycle path
To travel each day to work
Wet through it sends her berserk
Nowhere to dry, it’s no laugh
This looks like just the ticket!
Brilliant 😀
Frank Lee
It would stop me from hanging around…
This is genius, I work on charity cycling events and drying cycling kit is a real headache!
I’m buying one and I will show all the cyclists on the events I’m on how amazing it is 😀
Thanks for coming up with it and at such a reasonable cost