The bike lock that eats angle grinders for breakfast

SAF lock

It’s a fact of life that bike locks haven’t kept pace with the tools thieves use. Battery powered angle grinders make a mockery of locks irrespective of their price or security rating.

The SAF Lock might be cartoon like in size, but it means business – it’s the first lock designed specifically to defend against portable angle grinders In testing it defeated all the major brands of cordless angle grinder.

angle grinder resistant bike lock

The SAF lock weighs 6.25 kg which is far heavier than you’ll want to carry – its makers suggest cyclists will keep it locked to a bike rack at home or at the office and use a second, smaller lock for when they’re out and about.

The lock is currently available to pre-order for $199 via 

If you feel the price and weight are excessive, there remains the option of cycle insurance. With ETA cycle insurance, however old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model. Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy from us helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future. Little wonder The Good Shopping Guide has judged us to provide the most ethical insurance in Britain.



  1. John Heathcote


    The real trick is to produce a lock that will resist an angle grinder and weigh less than 6 kg, or even better, less than 2 kg! There’s no way I would want to take a 6kg lock on a cycle tour.

    It also supposes something to which you can lock your bike. Given the scarcity of Sheffield stands in most shopping streets and outside cafes, it is of limited use.

  2. Alan Anderson


    Basically, your’re making the lock stronger than the bike, thieves will just cut the bike to remove and strip the parts. Some locking stands I’ve seen are weaker than locks too. We need this like in Japan but will never happen.

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