News Archives - Cycling

Get a gripster

Now the weather has returned to being cold, if your bicycle wants to spend the night inside, you can use a Gripster to protect walls from scratches and scrapes. However carefully you lean your bike against an inside wall, tell-tale rubber marks and small chips to the plaster or wall paper are hard to avoid. Gripster is a rubber plug…

50 years behind the Netherlands…and counting

On a trip to the Netherlands last week, we didn’t see a single cyclist. Just tens of thousands of people using bicycles to get about. We didn’t see a single item of high visibility clothing and spotted only four riders wearing helmets. Most interesting was the healthy disrespect the Dutch appear to have for their bicycles; left overnight in great…

The disposable bag is dead. Long live ‘notabag’

As disposable plastic carrier bags edge towards extinction, their place is being taken by a new generation of lightweight reusable bag. Whether you are popping out on your bike or off on holiday further afield, the reflective Notabag is a clever combination of a bag and a backpack made from high visibility reflective material. It’s party trick is quickly transforming from…

Where will you travel in 2019?

It’s hard to know whether spring has sprung, but the promise of better weather is enough to spread the travel bug. Bicycles that have been languishing in sheds over the winter deserve to be brushed off and readied for a summer of riding, travel maps dusted off and adventures planned. If you are planning to cycle abroad,  Bike Express makes European touring…

Tall bikes can save the world

Roads have a social hierarchy of their own. Generally speaking, the bigger the vehicle the more entitled the attitude of the driver – an anti-social and potentially deadly hierarchy that puts vulnerable road users at greatest risk. This inequality is part of the inspiration for tall bikes – and there is none more lofty than this five-metre-tall example. Richie Trimball…