News Archives - Driving

Electric cars that charge like mobile phones

If mobile phones relied on charging stations, it’s unlikely there would be six billion of them in use today. Why should it be any different with electric cars? Is it any surprise there is a paucity of charging infrastructure when the charging stations are expensive to install and at risk from misuse and damage? Lack of charging infrastructure is often blamed for…

Are electric cars zombies of the road?

In the current economic climate, there’s much talk of zombie businesses; debt-ridden companies that would die if they were not kept alive by banks eager to see their loans repaid. Given the amount of money spent on their promotion and funding, could the same be said of electric cars? Almost three years ago, at a time when Nissan was betting…

Spectacles for cars cure wing mirror blind spot

Good drivers do not put their faith in wing mirrors – the only safe way to overtake is to take a quick glance over one’s shoulder to check for vehicles approaching from behind – but an optical prescription for car wing mirrors could eliminate dangerous blind spots without distorting the perceived distance of other cars. According to a paper published…

New cycle helmet stops cars in their tracks

The decision by Charles I in 1637 to enclose the land southwest of London now known as Richmond Park might have been unpopular with local residents at the time, but it more than likely saved the green space from being built upon in the future. To this day, the 2,360-acre site remains homes to hundreds of deer, but, other than…

Peugeot Citroen to sell cars that run on thin air

While its rivals Nissan and Renault concentrate on electric vehicles, Peugeot has revealed a hybrid car that is powered by a petrol engine when cruising and compressed air while in town. It is claimed the system offers fuel savings of up to 45% while driving in town. The new technology offers an interesting alternative to hybrid electric cars as it delivers zero…