News Archives - Driving

Parklet Power at Car Free Day 2021

The ETA helped launch the first national Car Free Day almost 30 years ago and we’re proud to say we’re still involved. We set up the mobile pop-up parklet we designed on behalf of Kingston council this week in one of the borough’s new low-traffic neighbourhoods. 1970s San Francisco was the birthplace of the parklet – a way of reclaiming…

Business as usual – Traffic congestion returns to pre-pandemic levels

Traffic congestion has returned to pre-pandemic levels as the end of home working and the start of the new school term has led to many thousands once again reaching for their car keys. Roads in London, Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Leicester and Liverpool are now as busy as they were in 2019. In other words, it’s back to business as usual;…

Solid-state batteries will boost electric car performance

Solid-state batteries have the potential to improve on current batteries by replacing liquid electrolyte, in which lithium ions carry an electric current, with a solid ceramic material. It’s tech that would result in lighter and smaller batteries with more energy density. The challenge is that industry has struggled to commercialise solid-state batteries. However,  chemicals company Johnson Matthey, battery startup Britishvolt,…

An everyday tale of life and death on Britain’s roads

A driver doing 60 in a 30 zone who smashed into 6-yr-old boy has been filmed telling the arresting officer: “That’s a bit harsh. It’s a simple accident”. The family of Noah Herring boy who suffered serious injuries in the collision has joined Cleveland Police to support a national awareness-raising campaign. Noah and his father were cycling on a designated…

What will happen to today’s cars once they’re obsolete?

By the time the entire car fleet has gone electric most of today’s vehicles will have been crushed and reincarnated as toasters, but a few it seems will be live on…as barbecues. or to be entirely accurate ‘carbecues’. Under the bonnet, the Carbecue features internal combustion in the form of a gas grill. A remote control can be used to…