News Archives - Driving

Let’s tackle CarOwnerVirus

The Coronavirus global death toll has just topped 3,000. When it reaches 3,561 it will equal the number of people killed on the roads in a single day. Clearly Coronavirus is a serious threat that is entirely deserving of all efforts to bring it under control, but why do we show such apathy towards another source of danger that kills…

Stockholm Declaration links road safety to sustainable development

Road safety experts and ministers from 130 countries have resolved to tackle road danger, air pollution and the climate emergency by adopting 20mph limits wherever vulnerable road users and vehicles mix. Last week’s global road safety conference resulted in the adoption of a ‘Stockholm Declaration’  – a list of 18 resolutions linking road safety to sustainable development. Resolution 11 specifically mandates universal use…

Why doesn’t ‘overtaking a cyclist safely’ form part of the driving test?

Close passes by motorists are as much a part of cycling on British roads as potholes, but there can be only two possible explanations for why a motorist overtakes dangerously close to a cyclist – incompetence or malice. So how best to deal with this scourge of the roads? Two years ago, there were changes to the practical element of the driving…

We need fewer cars, not fewer drivers

The UN expects that by 2050, the global urban population will be 6.3 billion – the same size as the world’s total population was in 2004. Quite apart from the demand on natural resources, there is unlikely to be the road space to cope with this explosive level of growth. The automotive industry believes that driverless technology represents the key…

Why do drivers close pass cyclists?

Nobody knows for certain why some drivers insist on overtaking cyclists too close. However, it’s not because they’ve failed to spot the person on the bicycle. If this sounds counter-intuitive, take note of Dr Ian Walker, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at Bath University – his research focuses particularly on the safety of vulnerable road users and their interactions with motorists, considering such issues as…