News Archives - Environment

Greening your home – Energy efficient lighting

Like bicycles, filament bulbs are a design that has hardly changed over the last century. However, unlike a bicycle, which allows a person to travel at 10–15 mph, using no more power than they would require to walk, filament bulbs waste 95% of the electricity they use as heat. Indeed, in many homes the use of tungsten filament bulbs can…

Inflatable zebra crossing for young and old

Our inflatable zebra crossing, which we designed to help schools campaign for safe crossings, came to the aid of different community group this week when it travelled to a retirement complex in Stapleford. Carpenters Court offers 48 dwellings for older folk and is situated next to a busy road. As part of the original plans, £40,000 was paid towards the…

Intelligent Speed Assistance – we’d be stupid to ignore it

An Army officer caught doing 130mph in his Aston Martin this week received little more than a slap on the wrist after arguing he needed his driving licence in order to complete an army tour of the Falklands. James Golding was lucky. Not only did the magistrate go soft, but more importantly, his driving at almost twice the limit did…

The young have always been the arbiters of cool…fewer than ever are learning to drive

Significant changes to social-economic conditions and living circumstances are the main factors behind a marked drop in car ownership among young people in the last generation, conclude academics from the University of the West of England (UWE Bristol) in a study for the Department for Transport. The researchers found a decline in home ownership and increased higher education participation were among…

Smart street lights dim when nobody’s about

Highway 155 near Hole in Norway is no ordinary road. At night, 220 of its lamp posts operate at 20 per cent of their strength – increasing to full capacity only when radars detect approaching road users. Norwegian company Comlight has developed the Motion Sensing Street Lighting system to reduce the wasteful consumption of energy. The 9 km trial site saves 2100…