News Archives - Environment

Words are powerful. Choose them carefully

If you accidentally spill coffee on your trousers, that’s one thing, but if a driver’s speeding car slams into a bus stop, killing a child in the process, it’s clearly different…so why does the language we use rarely distinguish between the two? While one can be dismissed as an accident, the other deserves to be described more carefully – nothing…

Why can cars break the speed limit?

Why do we allow the sale of motorised vehicles capable of breaking local and national speed limits? Nobody would suggest that cars driven within speed limits present no road danger, but we have yet to hear a rational argument for why cars need the ability to exceed the speed limit. Four in 10 drivers admit they sometimes break 30 mph speed limits…

Why is road danger reduction so politically toxic?

Road danger reduction is the third rail of of politics – a live wire ready to fry any politician brave enough to touch it. How else would we have found ourselves here? A driver parking their car last year, and travelling at an estimated 5mph, not only managed to collide with a woman, but continued driving until the car had passed…

What value a car parking space?

As a driver, it’s easy to feel a sense of entitlement over the road space outside one’s home, but what value should be placed upon it? The pressure on parking space is most acute in large cities, despite these areas housing the highest proportion of people without access to a car. In common with other boroughs in London, Islington is blighted…

Tesco, your pavement parking delivery drivers are endangering lives

The explosive rise in online shopping has flooded our streets with delivery vans. Nothing wrong with that you might think. After all, home deliveries are convenient for many and replace a large number of car shopping trips with a smaller number undertaken by professional drivers. Except that they aren’t entirely professional. In fact, in many cases they are downright dangerous. According…