News Archives - Environment

Scientist uses sunflower oil to cook up pothole prevention

Inspired by a cooking technique demonstrated on the Spanish version of Masterchef, Dr Alvaro Garcia, from the Nottingham Transportation Engineering Centre (NTEC), was inspired to use microcapsules of sunflower oil to create self-repairing road surfaces. As cracks appear in the road surface, tiny capsules break open to release oil, which has the effect of softening the surrounding asphalt. This helps…

What future for the electric motorcycle?

Electric cars offer an answer to the air pollution that kills 50,000 a year in Britain alone, but they remain expensive and a challenge to charge. Motorcycle manufacturers are as painfully aware of the writing on the wall for the internal combustion engine as their car making colleagues. Without exception they are investigating, if not developing, hybrid and all-electric alternatives.…

Save your money: Scientists prove cycle commute beats gym

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have found that inactive, overweight people can lose fat just as effectively by riding a bicycle to work as by paying to exercise at a gym. This is the conclusion reached by researchers from the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen in a study that has just been published in the…

Shipping container pools, homes and farms

We are great fans of upcycled shipping containers. After all, what will become of the world’s estimated 20 million shipping containers? Many spend their lives ferrying items from China to Europe and beyond to fuel our consumer lifestyles – their return journeys frequently carrying more than a third of the waste plastic and paper collected by British local authorities, supermarkets…

Zebra crossing uses 3D illusion to slow drivers

Iceland has become the latest country to use paint to create a 3D illusion in order to slow drivers. In Britain some speed bumps are flat, but painted to appear three dimensional. However, in Canada they have gone a step further. Cricket fans have become used to seeing the pitch printed with elongated advertising slogans, which appear in their correct…