News Archives - General News

Grow a bamboo bicycle

Michael Gove said last week that visiting an allotment seemed a perfectly sensible thing to do given the current restrictions. He won’t have had in mind, but people have taken to growing their own bicycles. Bicycles built from bamboo are nothing new. However,  despite the fact they offer a sustainable and practical alternative to steel it’s a method of construction…

Help, I’m new to cycling: Back to bicycle basics

Cycling is a simple pleasure – a bike can be acquired for next to nothing and you don’t require a licence or any specialist equipment. However, whatever type of cyclist you are, it pays to know the basics. We’ve spoken to countless newbies over the last few years as part of our Back on a Bike project. How to avoid…

Bicycle boom time for Brompton

While countless businesses languish as a result of covid-19, others are seeing their sales speed up. Perhaps it’s due to people seeking a new way to exercise, or taking advantage of quieter roads, but it’s estimated that sales of bicycles are up by around fifteen per cent. “People are thinking, I want to have independence,” says Will Butler-Adams, chief executive…

Solar-powered battery charger for cars standing idle (or cyclists on the go)

The fact millions of cars across Britain are currently sitting idle is great for the environment,  but not so good for the cars themselves as batteries may begin to lose their charge. Solar-powered battery chargers are inexpensive and easy to use. Simply place one on your dashboard and plug into your 12v socket. Be aware that running your car’s engine…

How does coronavirus / covid-19 affect my breakdown cover?

Coronavirus is posing challenges for us all, but by following Government advice and our own health and safety protocols we continue to provide the best possible service for all our customers. ETA breakdown assistance in Britain We remain fully operational and are ready to help you when you need us. Simply call the 24-hour assistance number detailed in your breakdown…