News Archives - General News

Guerrilla zebra crossings: Then and now

Faced with dangerous traffic outside their campus, and armed only with pots of paint and a healthy disregard for authority, students at UCL in 1959 daubed the road with zebra crossing markings. Within months, the local authority had installed a real one. It’s more than a little depressing that over half a century later, getting zebra crossing installed is far…

Let’s raise fuel duty to pay for free public transport

Germany is planning to reduce road traffic danger – and especially pollution – by making public transport free. According to German environment minister Barbara Hendricks, “We are considering public transport free of charge in order to reduce the number of private cars. Effectively fighting air pollution without any further unnecessary delays is of the highest priority for Germany.” The radical…

How cycling became a kinky vaudeville act

Somewhere in a German forest 200 years ago, during the darkest, wettest summer for centuries, the story of cycling began. The calls to ban it were more or less immediate. Re:Cyclists is a beautifully written account  of the following two centuries. It tells how cycling became a kinky vaudeville act for Parisians, how it was the basis of an American…

The Big Lemon – A new form of public transport

Imagine if community transport was owned and operated by the community. The Big Lemon is owned and run by members of the community and actively encourages local people to buy shares in the company during regular public meetings where people can come and discuss their thoughts, ideas and concerns. In 2006 a group of people in Brighton decided to set…

Height of discretion: Cooper electric bicycle

There’s something undeniably cool about bicycles that offer no clue that they’re electric. We’re not talking about the mechanical doping antics of some pro riders, but rather the super-discreet town bikes that do such an clever job at hiding their batteries and motors. Take, for example, the Cooper E, which features a fully integrated battery and motor unit in the…