News Archives - General News

Kitnetik: Exclusive discount code for ETA subscribers

Kitnetik is a nifty magnetic clothes hanger that allows cycling gear to be stored and dried on radiators. The two most common questions in Tim Hoyle’s house used to be “have you seen my (enter cycling-related item of your choice here)?” and “Can you please put away your (enter cycling-related item of your choice here)?” It’s the reason he invented…

Free hospital parking: How a good idea can be wrong

On the face of it there is a certain logic in making parking free and perhaps that’s why trade unions, Jeremy Corbyn and now The Daily Mirror are all in favour. After all, it helps make sure that health is free at the point of use. Some consider parking charges to be a tax on the ill. In 2008, the…

Roads, Finns and fines

They take speeding seriously in Finland. Since it’s an offence that often costs lives, the authorities hit drivers where it hurts. In the pocket. Fines for speeding in Finland are based on the driver’s salary. For example, when one of the county’s wealthiest entrepreneurs was clocked at 14 mph above the limit, he received a fine of 54,000 Euros (£39,000).…

Has your car had a winter check-up?

Making sure your car is in good working order in winter is as much about protecting other road users as it is about reducing your risk of breakdown. Car batteries Winter is the time of year you are most likely to break down in your car and the most common fault is a flat battery. Many parts of the engine face strain…

Is it possible to cycle on British roads and avoid becoming radicalised?

When people talk about the roads, it’s clear that many mistake equality for equity. For example, the placatory and often heard “we all just need to share the roads” might sound reasonable enough, but it overlooks the fact that on the roads – as in so many other areas of life – equity requires that some people get more. Unfortunately,…