The Boomer Beast is an off-road mobility scooter that’s as happy popping to the local shops by road as it is crossing a muddy field.
The Beast is capable of 24 mph – a top speed that can be governed for use on the road. All three wheels are driven and shod with knobby tyres making it possible to tackle inclines of up to 35 degrees.
A lithium battery pack gives a range of 15 – 55 miles depending on specification – distances that can be extended using the inboard solar trickle charger.
The Boomer Beast weighs 120 kg and can carry a rider weighing up to 158 kg.
Prices for the Boomer Beast start at around £2,500. More information is available at daymak.com
For shipping enquiries you can email daves@daymak.com
Mobility scooter insurance
ETA mobility scooter insurance offers peace of mind and represents excellent value for money. The policy includes everything you need to keep you moving should your mobility scooter be stolen, vandalised or damaged accidentally. At no extra cost, you also benefit from breakdown cover to take you home if your mobility scooter suffers a flat battery, mechanical fault or puncture.
For added reassurance, every policy includes £5m third party cover to protect you against claims for injury or damage caused while using your mobility scooter or powered chair. And should you be unfortunate enough to crash your scooter, our insurance policy includes personal accident cover up to £20,000. More information
Why choose us?
Over the last 25 years, we have gained a reputation for being efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly; qualities that helped us be rated by the Good Shopping Guide as an ethical company like no other.
Our experienced recovery teams are on call 24 hours a day, ready to help should your mobility scooter break down. More information
Trygve H. Vikane
Hello ther! I just Wonder if Your Company have some dealer for Broomer Beast i Norway at the time?
Steve McDonald
Is the boomer beast available in the UK?
Steve McDonald
Norman Hume
I am interested in purchasing one of your Boomer range of all terrain mobility scooters. Could you please advise meas to whether they are available in the uk. I would also like as much info on that range as possible.
I am a genuine potential customer….
King regards,
Bob hibberd
Did you ever get a reply to your boomerbeast enquiry. I am also trying to buy one but the Ireland stockist doesn’t reply to any contacts.
Nigel clemmet
Is the broker beast available in uk
Nigel clemmet
Broker beast available in uk
Nigel clemmet
Groomer beast available in uk
Steve blagg
Hi there is there a dealer ship in Ireland ?
Susan Erian
Hi. Is there a dealership for these in the UK please? Thank you.
Nick Lintott
I would like to own a Boomerbeast in the UK is this possible. I look forward to hearing from you
Michael Dawkins
It looks as if there isn’t any dealerships in the UK, so do you have any contacts in Canada?
where this product is manufactured that I could enquire whether they could export to the UK.
Looking forward to your response.
Kind regards
Michael Dawkins
Tom Callis
My comments are awaiting moderation apparently, but I have been unable to establish anything either.
Tom Callis
After a road traffic accident left me disabled and I received compensation for my injuries, I was serious about becoming a UK dealer for Daymak. I did research with insurance provided accident case managers, who all confirmed there was a definite uk market. I then prepared a business plan to look at the profitability and viability of a electric vehicle company. As a green campaigner for a number of years, electric vehicles, be they scooters, mobility aids, bicycles, micro cars and quad bikes were all of interest to me. As the former MD of a Landscape Management and ecological conservation business, with a turnover of £3,000,000 a year, I also felt I had the experience, as well as the money to invest in a retail set up in the first instance, moving onto a distributor if successful. After an initial contact with Daymak and various correspondence all seemed positive, then for some reason all correspondence stopped and all attempts to contact them are being ignored. This has me wondering about Daymak ….. lots of information on line, but are they for real? Or perhaps they are just another importer of cheap Chinese products of dubious quality. The current dealers don’t seem to respond either. Perhaps there are people out there who can prove me wrong, as it would be a dream come true for me to be able to sell these things over here.
I spoke to Daymak via email and they seemed very positive
Robert Hibberd
Hi Tom, I dont think these are cheap Chinese imports. I have been in contact with Dave Solomon, Director of International Sales Canada: 416-658-3993 ext.1900, Toll Free: 1-800-649-9320 ext.1900, Cell/Mobile: 949-231-2862 who has been very helpful and given me cost and delivery information for a BoomerBeast. I agree that the distributers are a bit slow in responding and eventually I did receive a response from Ireland but they cant supply until 2021. Whereas Canada can supply in 50 days.
Keep trying as i’m sure these would sell well in the UK among the shooters, fishermen and outdoor enthusiasts.
Bob Hibberd
Robert Hibberd
I have been in contact with the Canadian company and they have been very helpful. However these vehicles exceed the speed, weight etc for a Class 3 mobility scooter and can therefore only be used on private land. The only alternative is to register them as a motor vehicle which needs type approval etc…
I have been given a shipping cost from Canada of $1500 US (about £1160) which makes it quite expensive for an unseen, untried vehicle.
Tom Callis
Hi Robert,
Thank you for showing interest in my comments. I discovered during my research several years back that these vehicles need type approval, be road registered and the user would need insurance. I did not see this as an obstacle, but rather an opportunity for the niche market aimed at disabled motorcycle riders, who already hold at least a CBT. As for the cost of bringing a single vehicle over, the costs would be prohibitive, but economies of scale, bringing over larger quantities would mitigate those costs. As for achieving this in a reasonable time frame, if it can be done then let’s do it and if it can’t let’s find out why.