The Abus NutFix is a brave attempt at security for bicycle components. As bike locks have become sturdier, thieves have move their attention towards seats, wheels, shifters – pretty much anything they can pull, twist or wrench from your bicycle without too much trouble. The Abus NutFix is a nut over which is fitted a cap that can only be removed when the bicycle is on its side.
It’s an elegant and simple deterrent against the opportunist thief. The downside is that while there may be little honour amongst thieves, we imagine there is more than a little sharing of tips – news of how to operate the Abus Nutfix system will soon spread. It’s the reason that ETA cycle insurance covers all bicycle components against theft – irrespective of whether they are secured or quick release.
Win the Abus Nutfix
To be one of the first cyclists in Britain to get hold of a set of Nutfix caps, enter our free draw. Just leave us a comment at the bottom of this page and we’ll pick a winner next week.
The changing face of bicycle crime
Quick release wheels have become standard issue on bicycles; great news when you need to change an inner tube at the roadside – not so good if you become a victim of bicycle cannibals.
As locks have become stronger, components have become the target for a new breed of criminal. And it’s pretty much the perfect crime; bicycle components are easy to steal, usually impossible to trace and a breeze to sell on. Having parts stolen by bicycle cannibals is at best an inconvenience, but it’s also demoralising. Unless they are covered by insurance, it can be enough to put an occasional rider off cycling for good.
- Invest as much as you can afford in your lock and learn to use it properly – insurers specify that it needs to secure the bike frame for good reason. Don’t worry too much about getting the lock around the wheels or other bike parts as a good insurance policy will cover them against theft whether they are locked or not.
- Bike thieves might have the equipment to cut through padlocks and silently remove shed door hinges, but they don’t like to feel they have an audience. Motion-activated security lights are cheap to buy, easy to install and thieves don’t like them at all
Cycle insurance from the ETA
ETA cycle insurance covers against the theft of quick release parts as standard and does not require that they be secured. As long as the frame of the bike is secured with an approved lock, then all parts are covered.
For over 26 years the ETA has been providing straightforward, affordable bicycle insurance.
Many cycle insurers offer very limited cover, charging extra for features we believe should come as standard – such as third party cover, personal accident or extension of your cover to family and friends. ETA Cycle Insurance provides one fully-comprehensive package for total peace of mind, whatever your cycling needs.
Every cycle insurance policy you buy helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.
Looks like a simple solution to an old problem.
But what happens when the seat clamp is an Alan key head.
As for locks I have invested in an Axa lock that pass’s a bolt through the back wheel and has a chain that loops around front wheel and frame then around post etc before going into side of the Lock.
The lock is Rated 14 And the Chain 15.
The Lock is attached to the bike permanently so you only have to carry chain. Mine was bought from Rose bikes. For a lot less than I was expecting to pay for it……
George Baker
I suppose any deterant is a bonus, it may deter the opertunist thief if not the professional scum bag thieves.
Richard Scrase
Bike theft makes me nuts
If you have an expensive wheel set or seat it looks like a reasonable deterrent for short periods.
Based on an assumption of opportunist component theft, this is great. Many people who steal bike parts, do it for an easy, hard work free life. If you can create even a small amount of hassle, many thieves will move on to the next best opportunity. However if you are talking about the highly experienced ‘full-time’ career bike breakers, who work as a finely tuned team in parts of London and high volume sites such as Cambridge station(also known as the gold mine, ha), then this is not relevant. The old adage still applies, only leave a bike if you are prepared to lose it. Pros have battery powered jaws of life and rechargeable grinders, that will defeat any lock conceivable, yes, any. I am waiting for the profit motive to kick start someone in to bringing to market a movement detection triggered device, that is linked to an app. From the app, you can view streamed camera footage, gps location and activate an ink/smart water dye pack or alarm. Good effort from Abus, can’t wait to see one and see what mechanism they’ve used to achieve vertical locking.
Mark B
I want my nuts to stay tight while I’m upright.
Peter Clark
On yer bike criminals!
Peter Chisnall
An innovative new angle on bike security, a right angle in fact.
Nick Rossell
Sarah Thornton-Mills
This looks like an excellent solution to an old problem. Would make me feel more comfortable leaving my bike locked up in public places.
My bike has looked like the one in the picture all too many times. Please may I have a lock that might mean the wheels don’t come off!
pete g
I suppose that constant innovation will keep one step ahead of the thieves. It is a good idea.
Francis Voon
I want a pair if nuts.
The next Lance
Does this mean my wheel will fall out when I have a crash??:-)
This is genius!
Ross O’Bicycle
I’ve used PitLocks for a whiles on several bikes – the problem is that you need to have special socket with you (and now they only supply one), and getting key’d alikes sets for multiple bikes is a pain.
This Abus solution seems good – and less prone to attack that the equivalent Kryptonite option (also new).
I also put solder in rarely-if-ever moved Allen bolt heads – good for saddle rail clamp, stem and stem/bar clamp.
I’ve got a number of Abus locks – Granit X-Plus 54 / 540 and also the 401 Mini. They only one I didn’t like was the Granit 640.