Quickguard: Rattle-free bicycle mudguards that can be removed in seconds

quickguard mudguards

Are bicycle mudguards a relic of bygone days? In Britain it can certainly feel that way. Sure they add a little weight, and spoil the lines of a sleek road bike, but given how often it rains here, it’s odd that so few bikes sold in Britain come without them fitted as standard…especially given how the penalty for cycling without them at this time of year is a damp and gritty streak up your back

Quickguard is a new mudguard solution for bikes without mudguard eyelets. Launched initially as crowdfunded project, after 18 months of product development, and 50,000 km of testing they’re on the market – just in time for an exceptionally wet autumn and winter.

Quickguard mudguards

Quickguard comprise a polycarbonate blade and weather-proof aluminium anodised single stay. The design promises fully adjustable, rattle-free full coverage and can be removed in seconds – they don’t mount onto the bicycle frame directly, but instead onto the drop out. Quickguard is suitable for all 700c bikes with tyres up to 32c wide.


Win a set of Quickguards

We have a set of Quickguard mudguards worth £70 to giveaway.

To be in with a chance of winning, simply leave a comment at the bottom of the page and we’ll pick a winner next week. Quickguard is disc brake compatible with the use of thru-axles (available from Quickguard, but not inlcuded with this prize)

ETA cycle insurance

Protect your bicycle this winter

On the face of it, one cycle insurance policy is much like another, but the devil is the detail. How much excess you will be charged is just one of the things that varies wildly between providers. Another is so called ‘new-for-old’ replacement – many insurers use this term, but if your bicycle is more than a few years old, devalue it severely. This means you are left out of pocket when you come to replace it.

ETA cycle insurance has a low excess and offers new-for-old for life – however old the bike, if it’s stolen you get enough to buy a new model. Furthermore, every cycle insurance policy you buy from us helps support the work of the ETA Trust, our charity campaigning for a cleaner, safer transport future.


  1. robert p Griffiths-garrod


    the removable mudguards on my racing bike, rattle like crazy, so hopefully these would be better.

  2. Simon


    It’s a yes from me!

  3. Robert Nunney


    With such a rigid bike frame as mine I could really do with a pair of mudguards that don’t rattle.

  4. Maxime Pley


    It would help me to keep me warm a bit longer during these long wet and cold winter rides 🙂

  5. Mary Stevens


    with guards that constantly rub given small frame with little clearance looks like these might stop the splatter up my back and face!

  6. Doug Milsom


    If I won a pair of these, it would save me from “splashing out” for a pair.

  7. Arry O’Rourke


    Perhaps pick me?

  8. Steve


    Me me me! Please 😉

    Keep up the good work folks!

  9. Rory Harkins


    I’ll need to buy the disc brake adapter but don’t mind that if I get the mudguards for free!

  10. David


    Would be good for my road bike, which has no eyelets.

  11. Jill


    Would be so useful on my winter bike, keeping me dry. I hate a soggy bottom

  12. Gavin


    Nothing worse than a dirty stain on your rear – problem solved with Clag Gone from Ronco K-Tel.

  13. Phil


    Avoids muddy back stripe

  14. Mike


    I think I spotted a set of these on a Giant in their showroom last week. Thought they were manufacturer / OEM they looked so good. Pleased they are available retail.

  15. Raf


    Well, that’ll certainly guard my robe from untoward splashes!

  16. TD


    Lorries passing me will be pleased not to see a striped backside!😊

  17. Pete


    Perfect time of the year for these!

  18. Matt blackmore


    Guard me against mud please!

  19. Steve


    I’ve never got wet so many times as in the last couple of months of riding. Great time to be marketing a new design of mudguards!

  20. Roo Rider


    Anyone who follows me on Twitter would know the woes I have with mudguards. I tend to destroy them. Most my bikes are trials or bmx so are guardless. These would be great for me to try out on my sensible commuter hybrid. I often get soaked on my commute. Will happily review them on Twitter if I win. I’ll do couple hundred miles with them then review. Thanks.

  21. Stuart Young


    Rattle free is just what I need on my old boneshaker

  22. Gill


    My mudguards got battered recently in various bike racks around town, so these new ones would come in very handy PLEASE.

  23. Jamie


    Been a customer of yours for almost a year now and I love following you on twitter for your brilliant articles.

  24. Hilary Foster


    Ooh, a bit desperate for these for firstborn’s bike – no mudguards fitted and after market ones keep falling off!

  25. Mark Bobbitt


    I’d love to give these a try.

  26. Brian


    Mud, mud not so glorious mud especially when it’s all up your back and in your face.

  27. Jamie J


    Muddy brilliant…

  28. Craig


    I love the flexibility of these. I think I would switch them as required between my various steeds.

    Thanks for the opportunity ETA!


  29. Steve


    My backside, bike and fellow riders would REALLY LOVE these beauties please.


  30. Avs


    A make one can trust
    In our weather
    They are a must

  31. PeteG


    These guards look great and so easy to fit. Yes please…..

  32. Parvin Padham


    l win this bike for my son he lost his

  33. Matthew Eves


    My daily commuter could really use some new guards. Winter road ‘crud’ is a nightmare. 😢

  34. Andy Brown


    Mud, mud, inglorious mud!

  35. Alastair Seagroatt


    Be interesting to try them out on my winter bike

  36. James


    Sounds a great idea would live one to save getting mucky

  37. Angela Allen


    We’ll be on our guard to avoid the mud, no more splashes and dirt on my butt!

  38. Mike Terry


    Good to start a new year with some nice new gear !!

  39. Darren C


    I like how low the front one looks in the picture, having their position adjustable is a great opportunity to get them directly aligned with the road spray.
    Being rattle free would give give me one problem though, I wouldn’t be able to blame the mudguards anymore for the noise of my knees clicking and my teeth chattering on a frosty morning commute. 😉

  40. Gary Robinson


    That would help keep my bum dry, nicely.

  41. Lucy


    These look nifty!

  42. Angela Dobson


    Would love to try this new idea as forever having mudguard problems 🚴‍♀️

  43. Gail G


    I’ve had these bookmarked for a while now, they look like the perfect fix for my bike which hasn’t many options for mudguards. Brilliant design.

  44. Stephen Medlo


    I would love a set of cycle mudguards

  45. Sue B


    A pair of these great looking mud guards would certainly stop me from getting cleared up. I’m always the muckiest at the end of a ride !

  46. MARK


    Mudguards are essential for riding throughout most of the year, but many bikes are not designed to accommodate them…… 🧐

    These look like a wonderful solution! 😀

  47. Jayne Bheenuck


    nice bike

  48. Paul


    The quick fit is a great solution for changing the mudguards from one bike to another with ease! Perfect for my cycling stable.

  49. LW


    They sound great.

  50. STEVO


    Soggy feet again today on arrival at work…….. cool looking guards those, which I may just have a use for!

  51. Simon


    They look like a solution to the age old problem.

  52. Colin Davidson


    Comment left. I have nothing to say I just want the mudguards.

  53. Boyd N


    They look a perfect solution to enable the use of my race bike all year – yes please!

  54. Ema A


    Great idea so I can use them only when it rains.

  55. James Newman


    Bought my son a new hybrid bike for Christmas and mudguards were sadly lacking. This is a great prize!

  56. Mike Potter


    An exciting piece of kit!

  57. Billy Macdonald


    These would solve my clearance problem perfectly.

  58. Hanfx


    Fantastic prize, fab idea, very handy! Good luck all 🙂

  59. Lesley Walton


    In winter I’m the one nobody wants to follow on my mudguardless bike.

  60. Toma Turskyte


    omg that would be perfect for my partner as he is obsessed with bikes and loves a good ride in woods! fingers crossed we all can go out on bikes with our little family

  61. Leanne seaton


    The narrow roads and fields around my home village are always muddy especially this time of year! #savethewashing 😬🤣

  62. Michael Jones


    Need a set of these cool looking mudguards as zebra stripes up my back are not a good look.

  63. Jonathan Hunt


    I’ve been following the huge delay story on Kickstarter. Mudguards are trickier beasts to launch than you’d imagine. Look great though.

  64. Gordon May


    Having cycled the canal for 10 years, it would be nice to have solution which I can put on and off at a moments notice!

  65. Frank Lee


    I am one of the “soggy bottom boys” but i really am a man…
    So help me Rhonda – help me please!

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